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Joined a clinical study


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Little background - diagnosed with LS SCLC Nov 2021 with nodule and Hilar lymph node involvement. Had 4 rounds chemo with carboplatin and etoposide and 30 radiation treatments. CT scan showed that both had shrunk. I have enrolled in the MAVERICK phase 3 clinical trial where I will be followed with brain MRI every 3 months for a year and then MRI every 6 months for a year. I had brain MRI in Dec 2021 that showed no metastasis and baseline brain MRI and Chest CT on April 21 that showed no metastasis and stable nodule and lymph node. Also have a CT scan coming up in June with follow up with thoracic oncologist. Fingers crossed that it will be good news.

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your history.  You've had a long road and I'm so glad to hear that you are stable and doing well.  Stick around, you likely have much experience to share with others.


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I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you. I really believe in clinical trials- many are alive thanks to clinical trials when they had no other options. Keep us posted x 

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