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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, Jus is very poorly and not using his phone so you won't be hearing anything from him Im afraid, I will let you know how things go but its not good at the moment, thanks for your support as always xx love Izzy xx

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This breaks our hearts.  Justin is such a wonderful soul and a brave fighter.  My prayers are with him and you at this time.  I would really like to see a miracle.  Please keep us informed, he and you are a part of our family.


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Hi again, no jus is at home but in a hospital bed, he can't do anything much for himself as  he's confined to bed. I gave him your messages and he said it was ok for me to talk to you all, he's really quite poorly and we are all struggling, but he's still with us thank god, I will keep you updated lots of love Izzy and Jus xxx 

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Izzy @Justin1970 I understand if this isn’t the time to post online, but I just wanted to send all my warmest wishes to you and the family. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of you and hope for the best - and I am sure the same goes for many of us here.

love, Rikke

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Hi Rikke, Jus is extremely ill now and its just a waiting game, we are heartbroken, I will keep you posted and thank-you for your kind words and support, love Izzy xxx and of course Jus xxxxx  

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Hi everyone, it's with great sadness that I have to tell you Jus passed away this morning, we are all completely heartbroken, he fought so hard to beat this evil disease to no avail, thank you all for the support you've given him and me over the last 21 months and I hope you all continue to fight on and beat this devastating disease, he would be saying the same thing to you all don't ever give up , much love and thanks again xxx Izzy (and Jus) xxx

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This is sad news indeed.  Justin was/is often on my mind and my thoughts of him are those of a brave person who faced this disease with courage and determination while simultaneously helping others along their own journey.  There are special places in heaven for people like him and I believe he now occupies one.  My thoughts and prayers are now turned over to you and your whole family.  He will be missed.


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Dear Izzy and family,

My condolences to you all. I am very sad to hear this - Justin was dealt a difficult hand, and yet had the heart to support others the best he could. We joined the battle and this forum at the same time, so he has been part of my journey through this strange path from the beginning. He will indeed be missed, Rikke xxx


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Izzy and family,

I am heartbroken to hear this. He fought this disease so hard and always had encouraging words for myself and others. My deepest sympathy, thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. He will be missed.


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What a terrible loss Izzy, so heartbreaking. Justin was such a kind and helpful member of our forum and he will be so missed. I have no words to express how sorry I am. Wishing you and your family members all the strength. Please let us know if we can support you in any way. Big hugs.  

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Thank you everyone for those lovely messages, just doesn't seem real, he was such a huge force in this world and in our lives that it'll take a lifetime to get over this, he was a one off with his wicked sense of humour and his incredible story telling that my life will never be the same again, thanks again for your support xxx love Izzy xxx

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@Izzy, I have been thinking about Justin all day. I am so, so sorry for your loss. He was a joy to know here; in the physical world, his spirit must have been amazing. Truth be told, I am also relieved for him that the suffering is over.  He suffered so much, and was so gracious and kind even as he dealt with his own challenges. I will keep you in my thoughts over the coming days and weeks. I wish you peace. 


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