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I'm so so sorry to hear about Justin's passing Izzy. He seemed like a truly wonderful and kind man who despite his own terrible predicament gave comfort and support to others on here. The only comfort is that he's no longer suffering and has gone to his heavenly home. My thoughts are with you and your family. Please continue to be in touch with us and let us know if there's anything we can do to help even if it's to chat xx 

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I am so very sad to hear this. Justin was one of the first people to offer sympathy and support when I first joined this group last year. He was always so kind and empathetic. Izzy, my heart aches for you. I can't imagine the pain you are feeling. I hope you can take some comfort in knowing he is now at peace and also in knowing how much he meant to so many people. He will never be forgotten.

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Hi, yeah  he was a joy for us as well, he was definitely a one off, funny, caring loyal and loving, this gaping hole will never be filled. I've had 52 wonderful years of loving him and will continue to till we meet up again. We are just gonna have to live in this different world now without him in it, which will be so so tough, but the memories we have will never fade or die but this pain will last forever too, thanks again all xxx love Izzy xxx

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Oh, Izzy, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's a loss to our lung cancer community, too.Justin was an inspiration,e  dealing with his own difficult situation and still finding time and strength to offer support to others. Such a strong-hearted person!  Please take care of yourself. I appreciate the support and hope you gave to Justin- an inspiration for other caregivers.

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Hi Lily, thanks for your kind thoughts, this is the hardest thing ever, I cry every day, not hearing his voice or being able to touch him is heartbreaking 💔 I know this is my life from now on but I’m broken, his funeral is next Wednesday which I’m dreading, he always spoke so fondly of you to me and I know the forum was a great help to him, thanks again for your support and everyone on the forum I feel it helps me too, lots of love Isla xxx

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Hi everyone, it’s with a heavy heart that we laid Jus to rest today, it was an incredible turn out with people standing outside as the crematorium was full,  he would have been so chuffed to see so many people there. He was driven on his last journey along a 5 mile dual carriageway on the back off a turquoise Chevy pickup and wearing a beautiful white suit like Elvis wore when he sang if I could dream, omg he would be so pleased as that was his last wish. I’m gonna miss him so so much (I already do) he was the light of my life, I will never get over this but as I said on my flowers this is not goodbye Jus it’s just till we meet again, thanks for all your kind words of support it meant a great deal to me, I’ll sign off now but maybe I’ll check in on you all to see how your doin I think he would have wanted me to do that so bye for now xx love Izzy xx

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My gosh @Izzy, I was thinking of you all week. What a beautiful solemn ceremony you describe, thanks for sharing with us! I only knew Justin for a few months via posts and messages on this forum and I found myself crying hard reading this, somehow it feels like someone I knew for years. I can't imagine your pain and sorrow. May you have the strength to endure his loss and find the ability to smile again at some point. Please take care. Hugs.

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What a send off for Justin’s final journey of his earthly life. I know your pain will never go away but May it lessen in time and remember all the happy times. Please stop in from time to time as we are here for you. 


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Thank you for sharing, Izzy. I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been, but hopefully the beautiful send-off was the first step to coping with it.

Please don’t feel obliged to come back here, but of course you are always welcome ❤️.
All the best to you and your family. 

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My heart is with you.  Justin and I talked about getting together the next time he was in North Carolina (a place he once visited) and I looked forward to that.  I can understand your pain having just lost someone close to me last month.  I pray that you will remain strong and have a peace that can't be explained by circumstances.  Stay in touch.  You too have become a part of our family.


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  • 2 months later...

Wow @Izzy   On my original post Justin was one of the responders.  As others have said, we keep track of those we interact with on our journey.  I’m saddened to hear the news.  Be strong and remember him in your heart.  

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Hi Kamoto, he always tried to help everyone he was a one off, I miss him so so much but what a joy to have had him in my life for 52 years, he will never be forgotten and you all meant a great deal to him and definitely helped him thro his journey, thanks for your kind words and acknowledgment and good luck in your own journey best wishes Isla xx

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Hi Lou, lovely to hear from you, hope your doin ok, Jus always had so much to say about you I feel I know you, it’s still so very raw and painful and  hard to believe it will ever feel any better. Having family problems now too, like to believe it’s the grief but it’s not, feel I’ve lost a lot more family now but as long as they are ok it will do me, take care and keep strong and live that life your so so lucky to have, love and hugs Isla  xx

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