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Selpercatinib and Eliquis (blood thinner)

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I am starting on targeted therapy/Selpercatinib and one of the significant side effects is hemorrhaging. I am on a blood thinner/Eliquis, due to 2 DVT and 4 pulmonary embolisms as a result of my lung cancer. I was diagnosed with lung cancer along with thrombophilia/blood clotting disorder last year. In Canada there is not a lot of knowledge or experience with Selpercatinib as we just recently received approval to acquire. Anyone out there with info on taking both drugs? Is it safe to take both? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

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I'm on Eliquis from a PE. Have you considered calling the manufacturer of the drug for an in-depth discussion? They might be able to offer some information. Our cancer  center also has a specialty pharmacist who checks all those pesky interactions. Perhaps yours does too? Or, whichever pharmacy which will be filling the prescription? My insurance carrier had someone call to discuss this in depth. 

If it were me, I would not take one pill without an answer to those questions, as well as a written-down plan of action if something bad were to occur. What wold that look like, anyway?

Take a deep breath and do what you need to take care of yourself. You got this!

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Before I started my targeted therapy (not the same as yours), a pharmacist working with the manufacturer (AstraZeneka) called me and we had a long chat about any medications I take and potential interactions. I assume you are being seen at a Cancer centre in Canada and their pharmacists should also be able to help. Pharamcists have  a huge database where they access drug interaction info. I don't think such database depends in any way whether the drug is new to Canada. The same info is seen internationally as I know. I would contact *both* manufacturer and cancer centre pharmacy and demand clear info. BTW, at least in BC, our cancer centre has a leaflet about each drug on its website, in fact two leaflets -one for patients and one for doctors. I usually read both. finally, press your oncologist for answers. If they are not lung oncologists, a second opinion can be especially valuable. Hope this helps and good luck with your targeted therapy! 

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I actually just saw that you are in BC. I looked up your drug and it seems not covered here but "compassionate supply may be available" and "financial assistance for patients with or without private insurance coverage may be available". This therapy was just approved by FDA in late Sep this year so I guess this is why you got little info so far.

Here is the manufacturer info listed on the BCCA website: 

  • Selpercatinib (Retevmo)
  • Manufacturer Lilly
  • Phone 1.855.545.5922
  • Fax 1.844.503.7749
  • Email oncology@lillyplus.ca
  • Pharmacy Sentrex Vancouver

Funny, in the process of looking up your targeted therapy, I was stunned to see that my targeted therapy will no longer be offered through compassionate supply for new cases after end of Nov. Yikes, I guess I was so lucky to squeeze through (unless this means BC will be paying from Dec on). 

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I saw your post on Radon and have wondered myself about what could have caused my lung cancer, it is a horrible exercise as I keep thinking how unfair life is, especially when I see my peers living their full lives while my family suffers so much due to my illness. We live in a new building so unlikely Radon is an issue but I was thinking we anyways should buy a Radon detector so my family can use it whenever needed. I already have PM2.5 monitors at home, CO2 meter and a number of HEPA filters. I tell anyone who would listen that bad air is to this human century what bad drinking water was to the previous century.

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19 hours ago, LilyMir said:

We live in a new building so unlikely Radon is an issue

The effects of Radon typically manifest over a long period of time. I can go back mentally to the places I've lived and see radon possibilities in all of them, even in the last house we lived in prior to this-- and we built that house. Even that ended up having radon. 

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Hi LilyMir, 

Radon levels are on the increase due to our drive for energy efficient air tight homes. The scientific community is telling the government but the government is not listening. We tested and found radon in old homes, and new homes. Radon was found in bsmt and second floor bedrooms (5 year old niece/radon level 1000 bq/m3). Schools, daycares, workplaces, and condominiums are also a strong concern for this highly carcinogenic gas. I have 3 detectors in my home and bought one for all my family members. I tested my past 2 homes which all had radon present. We had to mitigate multiple homes. 

RadonEye detector- Radoncorp 

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