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Hi everyone. I don’t know if posting like this is allowed but here goes. My beautiful 60 year old mum was diagnosed with squamous cell lung cancer in December of 2021 stage 3. she had radiation as the tumour was near her vena cava followed by 4 sessions of chemo with a great response. At her 3 month scan the tumour showed progression and a spot on her liver. We were assured there was an arsenal of treatments and not to worry. She started immunotherapy (nivolumab) after 3 months there was disease progression and there was a spot on her hip bone and pelvic bone. Her onlcologist told us that’s it we are out of options and we are absolutely shocked. Has anyone had any experience with this?

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Hi Christine 

I'm glad you found this forum and welcome,I'm sorry to hear about your mum and what you are all going through, please do not give up all hope I'm sure there is something they can do to help her

I had a similar experience with my cancer unfortunately it had spread to my brain so in March last year I had gamma knife radiosurgery done which didn't work then I had brain surgery in October that didn't work and Thursday I start whole brain radiotherapy treatment because they think it has spread to other parts of the brain lining i had a ct scan last week of my chest and abdomen because they think it my have spread in there aswell sadly if wants to spread quickly it seems like it really will, I can't have immunotherapy so can't tell you anything about that sorry, I really am sorry to read your message I know how you are all feeling and really hope you get some good answers all the best Take care Justin x 

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Certainly your post about your mom's lung cancer is allowed! You are most welcome here.

I'm assuming from your post your mom had chemo radiation to a single tumor. Further, I assume the tumor was in the left lung near the vena cava and the tumor responded to this therapy. Then she had progression to the liver and started immunotherapy. Now she's had progression with bone metastasis (bone mets) to the hip and pelvic bones. Your mom's doctor reports no more treatment options. If my assumptions are correct, there should be more options. She might change the type of immunotherapy and precision radiation should be able to treat the hip and pelvic mets.

Here is a link to information about radiation used to treat lung cancer. Click on the right pointing arrow with the topic: How is radiation therapy administered? Scroll down and read about the types of EBRT. IMRT, SBRT or proton therapy (collectively termed precision radiation) are all options that can effectively and safely deal with your mom's bone mets. I'm sure precision radiation is available in Ireland. I don't know the Irish medical system but perhaps a change in oncologists is in order. From the information you provided, options are indeed available.

Stay the course.


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I would seek a second and third opinions. I agree with Tom that radiation can often effectively handle mets from what people report. Also, at the very least, clinical trials should be a last resort, not just giving up. 

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Hello and welcome! We have a lot of members who are on this forum because someone in their family or another loved one has lung cancer, so you're not alone here. I agree with those who posted above that there should be other options, and a second opinion is in order. Best wishes to your mum and to you in advocating for her.

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