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Advantage of losing hair...

Fay A.

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I've never seen this one listed before, but if you wear a hat that is a little on the tight side it has the same effect as having a mini face lift. All you have to do is push the loose forehead skin up under the crown and TA-DA! No wrinkles. This works best if you have no eyebrows, because then you can draw in the eyebrows in a "normal" position on your face. If you still have your eyebrows then you will look surprised...younger, but surprised. I would never have discovered this "beauty secret" if I hadn't lost all my hair....

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Ya now, Fay, you COULD market simple ballcaps as "Miracle Youth Hats" and make millions! The instructions would have to include removing all hair above the neck, etc., so people couldn't sue if it didn't work for the non-follicle challenged...

We can put 'em on late night TV with the 900-sex-SMUT lines! Some guy with a heavy english accent to hawk 'em...on Vivarin...Yeah, I see some potential with this... WAIT, if you order now, we'll INCLUDE the eyebrow pencil, a $1 value, YOURS FREE!

Order now, supplies are limited... :wink:

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But wait....there's MORE!

If you are one of the first 97 Kazillion listeners who phone in now we will send along 61 sets of "Faux-Lashes", a full 2 months supply.....AND

if you are a male caller we include a full 30 day supply of MOCK-MUSTACHIO....all absolutely FREE!

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Good idea Fay.I have experimented as well.I can pull my fat swollen head far enough into my ballcap to make it look like I have spock ears.But then I have to tighten the cap real good to make it hold.Think maybe some of that old hair spray might work?And I never lost my eyebrows or moustache.I also thought about going to Vidalia Ga and getting a Vidalia onion tatoo on it for profit.Walking ad for them.Man those are some good onions.TBone

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Today, my hair started falling out, tomorrow, I get it cut short. I knew I was tempting fate when I had a $140.00 cut and color the Saturday before my dx!

I am amazed how accurate the "fall out" date was. Maybe the developers of Taxol can train weather forecasters and we can get an accurate 14-day outlook.

Seriously though, I have heard everything from

1) I will lose ALL hair, everywhere.

2) It might only thin considerably.

3) I might not lose eyebrows and eyelashes until later.

With my luck, I will lose everything except on my legs, and I will have to continue to shave them... bummer.

Thanks for the laugh... Please keep the beauty tips coming...


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All for only 4 payments of 39.95, if you act fast we will eliminate one of those payments.... now only 3 payments of 39.95 and thats not all, we will throw in this lovely set of Ginsu steak knifes and egg cutter absolutely free. If you are not happy with the magic face lift and faux lashes, you can return them and keep the knifes and egg cutter as our gift..

Too much late night tv for me...

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I hear them thar steak knives are sharp enough to split chin hairs.

Miss Kennedy keeping you up nights? :wink:

Jerrye, you might want to reconsider getting the hair cut short...because it's still going to fall out, and the longer stuff was easier for me to clean up. I actually reached the point where I just ran my fingers through it and pulled it all out. It was easier that way, plus less messy. I just HATE hair in my soup.

It took 3 months for my eyebrows and lashes to fall out. And when it happened they ALL fell out, except for 3 single lashes on the lower right lid. They held on for several weeks. They are growing in now, but it's slow going.

I was thinking about temporarily coloring my hair green for St.Patrick's Day, but I figure I'd look too much like a Chia Pet.

TBone....I have relatives in Marrietta. I know what Vidalia Onions are, and when my Mother was alive she would ship a crate of them to me where ever I happened to be. I have to console myself with elephant garlic from Gilroy, California, now...home of the Gilroy Garlic Festival.

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The first time I lost my hair I went from red hair that was almost to my butt to NO hair ANYPLACE on my body :? . My eyelashes grew in fast which was good. The 3 hairs on my chin were next :shock: and then the rest started to grow. I had 1/4 inch hair on my head when they decided to do PCI so of course I was going to lose THAT again. The night before I started we died it BRIGHT red, lol. Looked like a fire truck! It came out about 4 days after I started PCI and is now growing back but in a darker color. I started Topotecan and they said I may not lose my hair this time but it doesn't appear to be working (the chemo) so we are going to look at another chemo on Thursday. That will be the end of my hair once again. I have gotten brave and stopped wearing wigs when in my office. I still keep it with me in case I have to meet a client but if I am just in my office I am Toplesss :oops: , lol!

God Bless,


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This is TO TOOO FUNNY!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Jerrye, I suggest you let your hair fall out, and go BACK to where you spent the $140.00 on your do and tell them you "want your money back" and to LOOK at what they did!! APRIL FOOLS!!! Just around the corner.

Also, I shaved my head when my hair started to fall out, and the same night I did that, I went to bed and stuck to my pillow like VELCO!! :shock:

I lost my head hair, my underarm hair, my pubic hair, a few of my eyebrow hairs. BUT - every last hair on my LEGS STAYED ON!!! I still had to shave my LEGS! Boy, talk about cheap chemo!

Love to ALL,

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You aren't truly "bald all over" unless you've lost all your nose hairs. No joke...they all fell out. Which was fine with me. Except now they're growing back in, and it itches. A lot. :shock:

And Mo, I would like to suggest an egyptian beaded head covering for when the hair falls out again. Gives you the length of hair, the movement of hair, but no combing, very lightweight, and nicely ventilated. You can find them where belly dancing costumes are sold. :)

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Well, I got my hair cut short this morning, looks like a Wynona Ryder cut. I am petite, so it works - good thing, since after getting used to the look for about a week, I might get the same do again... in about 6 months.

I am going to enjoy it while I can.... I think I might go shopping at Saks this weekend...

Get it? Wynona Ryder, Saks? HA!!

Next, the Telly Savalas/ Yul Brenner do.

Wow, can you think of any other disease where you can look like so many famous people in such a short time?


I thought about your suggestion.... but, my hairdresser would FREAK. But, I am still hoping for total leg hair loss.

Cindy RN,

I will PM you for your chemo method if the leg hair is stubborn, might as well get something out of this.

If I had only know about this a year ago, I would not have spent the money on the bikini line laser hair removal, chemo/radiation is MUCH more effective and covered by insurance!


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Over the last several years, I had developed a comb-over of the hair on the side of my head. It took ages to get these side hairs to be 6 to 8 inches long. When they fell out, I would pluck tufts with my fingers. The problem was that some very long hairs remained, giving a sort of grotesque bald doll like scruffiness. I eventually trimmed them and all of my facial hair. Now it is coming back and looks much better than I expected, sort of like Shawn Connery, white on the sides and near bare down the middle. My whiskers are back and I’m letting then run a bit wild. Since I have SCLC, I expect I’ll be getting more chemo in the future, so have abandoned the idea of a comb-over. With the big weight loss and the stylish short hair, cancer has probably improved my appearance. Looks can be deceiving.


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