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New Survivor

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I’m a new 59 year young survivor. 11 days post surgery stage 1 Invasive acinar adenocarcinoma right lower lung lobotomy.   I believe this was caught early as i have been monitored for 3.5 years after finding spots on my lungs while I was in the hospital for an appendectomy. All cleared but one which turned solid. 

still in shock but grateful it was caught early and had surgery 5 weeks after cat scan showed it had turned solid  


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Hi Ginger,

Like you my lung cancer was found through an incidental scan.  Also, like you, I was diagnosed at Stage 1a and after my lobectomy I was ruled NED (No Evidence of Disease).  That was 4 years ago and my next scan is in August.  So, there is hope after LC and treatments are getting better all the time.  Please stick around, ask questions, and let us know how you are doing as you continue to recover from this major event.


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Hi Ginger and welcome. Like you and Lou, my LC was caught early on a scan you could probably call incidental. I had a right lower lobectomy, diagnosed ad NSCLC Adenocarcinoma Stage 1a. . This was in 2016, so I'm now almost 7 years out and NED since my surgery. I'm  77 y/o, working part time and have a really good quality of life.  Keep us posted on your recovery. I wish you all the best.

Bridget O

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