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About to get real

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Had my pre-op appointment yesterday which included EKG and bloodwork. Went over all pre-op instructions which included soap to use that morning and where and where not to use it 🫢. No food after midnight, no water after 4:00 am. I’m ok with those things but no coffee, now that’s the hard one. Got my spirometer to use when I come home. Since it will be my best friend for awhile, I’m thinking of naming it. Maybe that’s what I’ll try to think of when I’m awake at 3 am most nights now. I’ve made a list of things I want to pack and have  my husband bring me after surgery. Anxiety level starting to build. Hoping not to be a total basket case by the 6th. Surgery and the possible outcome is getting way too real. 

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Ahhh. The soap! I'd forgotten.

You got this. Just remember that the goal isn't to get released ASAP. Stay till you are ready to go home.

Good luck. Will be here before you know it.

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Tom is correct...stay until, you're ready to go home.  Please reread "Thoracic Surgery Tips & Tricks", take your pain meds as prescribed, move when you can, rest when tired, and use the heck out of that spirometer (I'm a simple man and just called my Spiro).  I look forward to the post where you say, "this surgery wasn't as bad as I feared".  My prayers are for your peace going in, successful surgery, and speedy recovery afterward.


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Thank you all for your kind and encouraging posts, I appreciate them all. 
I’ll stay in the hospital as long is absolutely necessary but I’m very fortunate that my daughter is an Emergency Room RN and will be here when I come home. I know she’ll take good care of me and be very vigilant watching for any problems that could arise. And she’ll help keeping her dad calm as well 😊

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Sending warm and healing thoughts - for the anxiety now and surgery/post surgery in a couple of weeks.  Any prep you do will help you with the anxiety... gives you a focus on something you can control/manage.....  hang in there - you will do well!

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@Blossomsmom For what it's worth, a friend once consoled me through a huge no-sleep period with, "Nobody ever died from lack of sleep." I'm not sure it's true, but it somehow made it easier. Rather than lie there, perhaps you'd consider getting up for warm milk with a little honey and cinnamon. It might not ease you into sleep, but it will be a kindness you might enjoy. Plus, neighborhoods can be so interesting at 3 a.m..... Ask me how I know. You can do this; you will do this, and you will be OK. Sending peace. 

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Thank you Karen, I appreciate your kind thoughts and encouragement. Your comment about neighborhoods being interesting at 3 am made me laugh. I have found out recently who walks their dogs at 4 am 😊. I find thinking about our travels over the years helps me go back to sleep. A week from tomorrow I’ll be at the hospital getting prepped for my 8:30 am surgery and will any luck will have some wonderful anti anxiety meds on board 👍

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  • 2 weeks later...

All ready this morning to leave for the hospital when I receive a call saying my surgery has to be postponed. Surgeon had emergency surgery. It’s been rescheduled for next Monday. I understand that things happen but I had myself all prepared. Oh well, it is what it is. Finger crossed that next Monday this gets done!

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Ohhhhh Blossom.... so disappointing (which is an understatement).  I'm really feeling for you and cannot imagine.  What a psych out!!  I realize you wrote in 2 hours ago and hoping you've been able to re-ground and distract since getting that phone call.  Hoping all goes without a hitch for Monday.  Do something especially kind for yourself today and then later this week.....  

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Thanks Livin Life. I was so upset even though I understood. I went for a long walk to shake it off which helped. I’ll continue walking everyday to relieve the stress and to prepare for my recovery after surgery. What else is a girl to do right?

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I checked into forums just to see how you were! I hope you’re enjoying your walks and can plan a beautiful weekend, Blossom!

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Thanks Scruboak. Walks seem to help as the anxiety builds for Monday’s surgery. I alternate between wishing it gets here fast to hoping the weekend goes by slow all the while hoping it doesn’t get cancelled again. I feel like a ping pong ball going back and forth with my feelings. 🫢

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