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Social Security Disability


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I spoke to a 7-year survivor of lung cancer the other day and she told me I would be eligible for Social Security disability. Does anyone out there know anything about it? I have a phone interview appointment for tomorrow to give information to a Social Security representative.


Stage IV nsclc

Started Carbo/Taxol Oct. 2003

Lost track of the # of rounds but doing well!

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Stage IV is automatic disability from what I understand. You wll have to go 6 months without working and without a check from SSI, but you won't have to go through too much rigamarole as far as qualifying. It's just the 6 months without a check AND there is no back pay. You might, however, have disability insurance through your current employer. You might check.

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If you have no other resources, you may qualify for SSI as well for the first 6 months while you are waiting for the SS Disability to kick in, in that case you would also probably qualify for Medicaid as well, though that depends on the state you are in. Norme is our reident expert on all of that stuff, I am sure she will chime in soon and help you sort it out.



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I had no trouble qualifying for SSD. There is a six month wait, but that six months is taken from the last day you worked so, for me, it wasn't all that long.

Since I was dx Stage III and you are Stage IV I suspect you'll have very little problems. After the phone interview they will send you a packet to fill out and send back.


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