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Hello. I'm new to the group. I was diagnosed with stage 3 SCLC 3 years ago. My oncologist treated me as stage 4 and very aggressively. 5 chemo rounds & radiation. I just finished 2 years of Tycentriq with no side effects. I'm nervous about stopping the immunotherapy. My doctor will still watch me very closely but the scare is real. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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Welcome here, and while it stinks that you have to seek out a lung cancer support network, this is a great one. 

I'm three+ years into NSCLC, with mutations that do not respond to immunotherapy, so I'm afraid I can't offer much specific feedback. I just wanted to welcome you and remind you of the value of deep breaths in the face of scary changes.  

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Hi Pam, I just want to welcome you and offer support.  I'm not able to answer your question b/c I'm still undergoing scans to figure out what's going on - "a slow growing cancer" suspected tho no biopsy recommended yet.  Spoke with local onc earlier this week and meet with pulm (who orders the scans) in a couple weeks.

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Hello Pam. I was diagnosed with limited stage SCLC in Nov 2021. I had 4 rounds of chemo and 30 radiation treatments. I was not offered immunotherapy. I have since been reclassified as extensive stage as it was detected in my right adrenal gland (which I had radiation treatment which stabilized it) and also a few lesions to my brain which I had gamma knife radiosurgery. I have CT scans of my chest/abdomen/pelvis and MRI of my brain every 3 months. As long as your Dr is going to keep a close eye on you I don’t think you have anything to worry about. If something should pop up they will address it. Stay strong and I will keep you in my prayers.

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