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How do you start a blog here?


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At times in my life that were stressful, I have found that writing has been helpful I notice that there are blogs here, but can't seem to find out how to start one.

What I would like to have is a blog, or some sort of online journal that I could invite close friends of mine to read and/or comment on. Do blogs on this site have that kind of a feature? Or would some other type of blog be more suitable? If this is a suitable place for that type of blog, how do I start one? I can't seem to find any instructions for them.

Thanks in advance.

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I've been blogging on Lungevity's Forum for years. I've found it easy to create and keep my family and friends up to date by linking my blog to a text message. Here is how you get started.

Note the headings underneath the banner of the Forum's main page. They are titled Forums -- Blogs -- Browse -- Activity -- Lungevity Home Page -- More. Click on Blogs. Then click on Create A New Blog. At Create A New Blog, you can name or title all your blogs. For example, my title is "Stay The Course". Here is a link to all my blogs; naming your blogs allows folks to display all your content to for extended reading. So it is a convenient feature. Your next screen presents some choices. Your category is survivor, that is easy. Your name is the collective title for all your blogs as mentioned before and the description is a short summary that speaks to the collective title. I choose everyone can read this blog, enable RSS feed, and turn off anonymous comments. Then hit continue and you are off to creating.

Private message me if you need more help. Stay the course.


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Thank you Tom, I will have a look around it more when I get back this afternoon.

How do I private message on here? Clearly, I am very unfamiliar with the tools used on this board.


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On the Forum main page, hover your cursor over Browse, and a second menu bar appears. Click on staff and see my icon photo. Below the photo is a choice to message. Click on message and the message routine appears.

Stay the course.


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