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How I was diagnosed

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I have problems with balance and recently had two falls.  The first one was in the house, fell backwards and cracked my head on a door frame and gave myself a concussion.  Two weeks later, fell out in the yard, hit pretty hard.  Three weeks later, still hurt to deep breath in so went to urgent care, they ordered X-rays and found the mass.  After the pet scan, they found I broke the 4th and 5th anterior ribs.  Then they ordered a lung biopsy, it was positive for squamous cell carcinoma.  I don't know what stage, or the treatment plan yet.  I have been told it will probably include radiation, chemo and immunology treatment.  My significant other is also getting radiation treatment for prostate cancer.  I thank God I fell, or I wouldn't even know.

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It's amazing how insidious lung cancer is. I had a little cough, which I thought was asthma that wouldn't resolve. They ordered an x-ray to rule out pneumonia. Turns out I had a tumor the size of a lime....

I hope you're feeling better from the head injuries, and that your ribs are healing. Are you near the Mayo Clinic? I always like when people get opinions from lung cancer specialists. And, given the falls, I hope they're going to give you a brain MRI, both to rule out mets and to establish a baseline. (I'm not familiar with squamous cell carcinoma; I just assume all stupid lung cancer likes to travel.)

Best of luck as you learn about your treatment plan. Please keep us posted.

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