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Don Wood

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Thanks for being brave enough to post what I have been thinking for some time. However, I do understand that new members don't always understand the Board setup immediately. I recall making some "goofs" when I first accessed this board and didn't know how it worked...it was pretty sophisticated compared to earlier versions.

I'm hoping your gentle reminder will be the "heads-up" that some of the new posters need!

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Guest bucky_a

Hi Don I kind of understand what you sasid. I read your messages every day & sometimes & almost always I don't write. My english is no good.

Tomorrow another check up, kind of scared. the worst thing is that I am feeling alone. no one in my family take it serious & I feel really loonly.

Is so nice the love that you and your wife have.

love bucky

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Dear Don,

I to wish to thank you for bringing this to our attention.

As if Rickey doesn't have enough to do, :roll::wink: maybe would could ask him to SHORTEN the information printed in the (WELCOME/NEWCOMERS INTRODUCE YOURSELF) To something like this:

WELCOME NEWCOMERS/ PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF IN THIS FORM, then Browse through the other FORUM'S that best suite your Cancer Issues/Needs, and continue on in any of those given Forum's"

I don't know? What do you all think? Maybe we could ask the NEWCOMERS what would work easier for them?

Thank you once again Don for your concern in this imporant matter. We will look into it and try to make it easy for all.

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I agree with you Don. It is difficult to keep up with everyone when there are so many forums to go to...I was lost when I first came to this board. Newcomers need a place to introduce...let us all get to know them, then move on to the other "rooms".


aka Nushka

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I agree with you Don. It is difficult to keep up with everyone when there are so many forums to go to...I was lost when I first came to this board. Newcomers need a place to introduce...let us all get to know them, then move on to the other "rooms".


aka Nushka

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I just wanted to introduce myself. I've been reading over the many postings and find it very helpful and encouraging.

My profile:

Diagnosed with Non-small cell adenocarcinoma on 1/9/04. 50 years old. Never smoked. 2.6 cm mass in left uppr lobe; mets to t3 vertebrae, right shoulder AC joint, subcardinal mediastinal lymph node. Radiation to t3 and shoulder for 15 sessions completed 2/20. CT scan then showed good response to radiation and no further growth of lung mass. Trip to mayo Clinic in MN and Memorial Sloan-Kettering resulted in chemo starting 3/3. Regime of taxol, carbo and Iressa (trials at Sloan indicated improved responses with Iressa added for those who have never smoked.) New scan due late April. Fingers are crossed.

I'm married and the father of a wonderful 9 year old daughter. Understandably devastated by this diagnosis (and the terrible prognosis initially received locally of 10 month survival), I have found great hope and encouragement from going out of town and from folks like yourselves. I have no symptoms, have tolerated 2 cycles of chemo very well (including monthly Zometa for bones and neupogen shots for white count maintenance). I'd love to hear from any and all survivors, news about supplements, diet and exercise and anything else.

You're all most inspiring and I look forward to joining the survivors club.

Tom Cross


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Welcome Tom,

So sorry we had to meet this way. You are so right not to listen to timetables-listen to your body and heart. Lots of good people here will offer support and information. The "ears" here know what you're talking about, for sure.


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Hi Tom,

Sorry we have to be here. You will find this is the site for almost everything that you need here. There are so many supportive people, treatments and a wealth of information here. We are a big loving and caring family. Please come here often and keep us up to date on how you are doing, we truly care. A big advocate on vitamins and supplements is Hebbie. You may want to read some of her posts...

Blessings and prayers from So. California :)


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Guest Phyllis

Hi, I have posted here before. I had to re-register as a newcomer because I was having problems logging in and I guess I forgot my password. It was the only thing I could think of. Still need to put a picture in.

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