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Good News, Better News, Best News!!!


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Went for chemo this morning feeling pretty low. Hard to get around, short of breath, I am sure YOU all know what I mean. I knew my counts were low so I asked them to draw extra blood for a type and cross (thank heavens I have a wonderful rapport with all the techs!!). Had my chest x-ray and went on to work for a few hours. Called before I went back for my appointment to see what my counts were and sure enough, they already had me typed and crossed for a transfussion. Went to my appt and saw Dr. who said he was very pleased with my white count which is staying up with the neupogen shots every day. My reds were low (hence the transfussion) but all in all it looked pretty good. The better news was I got chemo ANYWAY! He cut it to 2/3 dose but at least I got it.

Now for the BEST NEWS!!!!! We have SHRINKAGE!!!!!! Doc was very excited that after just 1 full course of Carbo / Taxol we have over 50% shrinkage in the lymph node (1 was gone totally) and my liver is a good 1/3 smaller than it was!

Praise God for prayers answered!!!!!

God's blessings on all of YOU who have prayed and been in my corner! I can never express how much your prayers mean!

Thank you (((((Friends)))))!!!!


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MO, I am so happy for you, you have great response to the Taxol & Carbo.....it is amazing.....Hallelujah!!!!!

Mo, I am also very happy for my dad as you both have the same diagnosis that this may be the same which will happen on my dad....

Can you tell me about the details of the second-line chemo??

Such as :

1) how many rounds of Topotecan you tried then stop? Which date you stop Topotecan?

2) When did you start the Taxol + Carbo?

Oh, what a happy day and happy news !!!! I am really delighted. :D

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Dear Mo,

So glad to hear your good news. Everyone needs to stay on top of their counts, both WBC's and RBC's. In my opinion, the daily neupogen and procrit maintain counts better than the weekly neulasta and aranesp, as least they did for Sam.

Wishing for continued success for you and all in this war.

God Bless Us All.


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Dear Mo:

what great news I am so happy for you- :lol::lol::lol: --and I hope for more and more shrinkage, till it is 100% gone---

now have a happy weekend---

best wishes

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Guest cheri


I am doing a happy dance for you!

Congratulations and I am so glad that I checked the board this morning because you JUST MADE MY DAY!


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This is awesome news! I am soooo happy for you. The Taxol/Carbo worked for mee too. No one wants chemo, but this one really seems to do the trick for a lot of people. I am so glad we have shrinkage and after only one treatment. God has truly blessed us and yes he always hears our prayers and answers. Special prayers sent up for you...

Keep us posted on how you are doing.

Blessings, prayers and gentle hugs,


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