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Card Circle List UPDATE

Connie B

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Good Evening All,

I have been working on Updating the New Card Circle List. I am now in charge of the Card Circle List. :) At this time, we have (2) Two seperate lists.

1. With names & addresses to SEND cards too.

2. With just Names of those that wish only to send cards and NOT

receive them.

I have these lists updated at this time, HOWEVER, I will need all those that are on the list already or those that WISH to JOIN the list to Email me so I can email you an Updated List. I have SOME of your emails but, I don't have all of them, so please help me out here, and send me your emails. In the Subject Line please write "Card Circle List". Also let me know if you want to be on One list or another or BOTH! Thank You!

If you Don't put this in the Subject line, I may delete your message.

All the information on this list is PRIVATE and I ask you NOT to pass out anyone's address without seeking THERE PROMISSION! If we have misuse of this list, it WILL be discontinued.

So, PLEASE EMAIL me at : morcon@mouseplay.com

And I will go over all the instructions and send out a new list to those that reply to this message. All requests will be screened before I approve them to these lists. This is for EVERYONE'S PROTECTION!

I also wish to add that Some of you mentioned sending out Birthday Cards. I would like to hear from those that wish to maybe start a Birthday Card Club up. How does that sound? Let me know!

THANK YOU ALL for your Love and Support.

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HI All,

Well, 63 members have checked out my message regarding the Card Circle, and yet I have only heard from 5 people so far. I need to hear from all that wish to be a part of this wonderful card sending and receiving idea please.

I am trying to take some of the work load off of Katie and Rickey so they aren't always sitting at the computer when they are home from work. :wink: I know they LOVE everyone of us on this board, but I also know they would love to spend some time with there beautiful little family as well. I can only hope no one here has a problem with me taking this task on. So, please help me out here and email me if you wish to continue to be a part of the Card Circle or maybe you wish to be removed. Either way I need to know. My email address is:

morcon@mouseplay.com Please request all Card Circle questions to me. Thank you.

I am trying to get this list up to date so I can update everyone about every three months with a new list. I thank those that have already replied. All your help and kindness is SO APPECIATED! THANK YOU ALL!

Love, Support and Hugs,

Connie B

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Hi Connie,

I know previously we had to request an address, so will there be an actual list of members who want to be involved and their addresses and do we receive the whole list or do we still get them individually by request...Does that make sense? Maybe I am being too paranoid...

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