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For the Chat Room Nuts...


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Ladies (and you KNOW who you are), thanks for the laughs. When the Cookieman walked in the door he was immediately concerned with the tears on my cheeks and the lack of breath... He came in mid-string of the discussion and I was laughing SO HARD! It's been a while since he's heard that and I think it eased his mind some...

Sure hope he doesn't start calling me Tom due to a certain Okie's spilling of the beans... :roll:

Thanks for the break from the ordinary - and I think we should ALL visit Mo for the "festival" when it comes...find some caps to wear or something...T-shirts with a slogan? "No nuts & proud of it!" maybe?? Maybe cartoon caricatures of different ones, like Beechnuts (beach nuts - I have the visual on THAT one...)

Oh yeah, giggling again...

Again, thanks a million times for the grins!

Love you guys!

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CHAT??? Is there a SCHEDULED time for chat?? DUH!!! I have been to chat several times.........guess what.....no one was there!!! DUH!! ( I swear I'm not blonde :oops::roll: ) Could someone PLEASE tell me what time chat is............I would love to discuss "world issues". :wink:

Mo........Uh......did you say a Testicle Festival???? Ummmmmmm.....what goes on at the festival?? My imagination is running wild here.......living on a farm, the only thing I can imagine is that they serve "mountain oysters" and the like. :roll: Somebody, PLEASE, fill me in!!


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A blonde shall lead you!! LOL

Chat is Tuesday nights at 8:00P EDT, Wednesday nights at 8:00P CDT (or 9:00P EDT)...and sometimes, there's a note that magically appears in your mailbox telling you of a special day/time for chat.

Drop in to discuss world issues and strange local customs some time...The thing about that testicle festival is that I could not get a straight answer on if they were still attached when barbequed! :shock: I'm sure I won't be able to get Cookieman to take me if that "T" word enters in, he'll be fearin' for his own! :roll:

...and ya know, if they gotta put 'em in 55 gallon barrels, them's some BIG baby bulls.... :!:

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Oh, imagine THAT job description on a resume (ESPECIALLY if you're a woman)! What would it BE?? De-nutter? De-baller? Ohhh, Sack Hacker?

Is there a Nut Numb-er? Testicular tickler?

Dear Sir,

Please consider me for your job. I have a number of years experience in ball removal....

Still thinking caps or T-shirts...and may just take Ry up on that trip! I guess riding shotgun means I get to control the paper tossing so I'd better practice up! :wink:

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Soooooo HAPPY to hear that you are giggling and laughing again. You deserve it girl. Keep it up and just don't anyone rain on your parade. You are an awesome lady and don't need to be harrassed by the hag lady and her baggage. I say keep it going... Thinking of you...

Blessings, prayers and hugs,


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Glad to see you up and pounding the ol' keyboard! Will be meeting with the hag on Wednesday, but she doesn't quite realize I'll be there... She thinks she has a "date" with my spouse! Wish I could sneak in a camera and get THAT picture to post! :lol:

Ahhhh...smell that fresh country air, ripe with cow sh*...um, manure! :shock:

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Boy am I sorry I missed this chat time. Reminds me of when I moved to Denver and my boss took me to his favorite restaurant for some of the local fare, i.e. buffalo, elk, oxen, rattlesnake, etc. Anyway, he ordered this one appetizer called Rocky Mountain Oysters, and since I liked oysters, I dived right in. 'Bout into my third one, I asked what I was eating (as I think I finally realized I was the ONLY one partaking), and he very calmly informed me that, "When the bulls jump over the fence, sometimes they don't make it all the way. You're eating the part they leave on the fence." Never one to let someone get the better of me, I simply continued to eat and always ordered a plateful whenever we ate there. I just relished eatin' 'em and watching the guys cringe. And this whole scenario became a rite of passage for anyone we hired. What was most interesting was how it didn't seem to bother the women too much, but the men were absolutely appalled. Guess it just hit too close to home for them (and it probably didn't help that I liked to pick them up and wonder aloud how they cut them off, whether the bulls were awake/alive, what else came off if the knife slipped, etc.)

I'm really thinking this Testicle Festival might be worth a road trip. Just where is it? I could pick you up on the way, AngieDaughterofBill. I'm sure our husbands would just love it if we took our little girls to this culturally diverse event!


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Oh yes........a road trip would be good for the soul right now. I'm sure that our little girls would get a great education at one of these festivals. :lol: Actually, my seven year old is getting plenty of education living on a farm. "Mommy why is Sampson (our bull) always jumping up on all of the other cows. Huh Mommy?? Huh, why does he keep doing that?? He's the meanest cow that we have. He's mean to all of the others.....always jumping on them. I don't like him." I just smile and under my breath say"You just keep thinking that way, hon." :lol:

I believe that this festival is somewhere up north. TeeTaa, we would stand out like a sore thumb. (with our accents... well, maybe you don't have a real southern drawl, but I sure do) See ya'll later!


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