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Life with a tube hanging out of my side.....


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Hi everyone,

On Wednesday I went in to have a pleurex catheter put in to drain the massive quantity of pleural fluid that has built up around my lung. (you could not see my lung on my last x-ray, it was totally covered up with fluid)

The procedure went ok, I am still pretty sore and really don't like looking at it.....

Basically, they install a tube on my right side in the front. Part of the tube is in the pleural cavity and what's left is hanging out of me so that I can drain it every day. It has a valve on the end so that it doesn't flow constantly. They give you a kit that includes a vacuum sealed bottle to drain the fluid in.

My husband, Al, has been absolutely wonderful. We have now drained it twice, he actually does everything. It gets me upset, because as the fluid drains, it causes alot of pain due to the re-expanding lung. So I really have to give all the "kudos" to him. I don't know how I could go through any of this without him. He is my strength!

When we are done with the draining, we just coil up the tube and cover it with gauze and a big "sticker" that keeps it nice and dry.

Yet another new adventure in this journey called cancer......

Trying to stay strong and positive,


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Ouch!!! The worst thing about my surgery was the chest tube. The nurses would come in and move the tubes around to do whatever, and I would scream out in pain. My sister, who is very pious and reserved, let them have it for hurting me. I can't even imagine having a tube in me without heavy pain meds. Are they giving you anything for pain and is this tube permanent? God Bless you.


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Hi Cheryl,

The tube is not permanent, although I hate to think of the process of taking it out......YIKES!

The only thing I'm taking for the pain is advil. Can you believe that? This is another one of those procedures that they (the dr.'s) think is not that "difficult"! Easy for them to say!


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I feel for you. I am sorry you must go thru this pain. It is so great for you to have such a great husband to help you. He must love you a lot. I wish you both the best.

I take care of my husband who is going thru a lot pain too, cancer is in his rib. Sometimes the pain is so bad, all he can do is lie on the couch (seems to be worse in afternoon till bedtime) and take morpine, which still doesn't take all the pain away, it just makes it bearable. He has two more days of 3D radiation to go, and Hopefully he will start getting some relief from the pain.

Us caregivers can only do so much to help our loved ones in pain and suffering, the main thing we have is love. What do we have if we don't have love? Well, :? I'm rattling on!!! :roll: You know what I mean! :D


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Oh Tann,

I remember when my husband came home with his chest tube after his lung surgery. He was not a happy camper. He was cold all the time and the surgeon said he was losing body heat thru the tube????

I am so glad your husband is a strong man, lots of that gender would run away from that job.

Hang tight Tann, hopefully it can be removed soon.


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Oh, TAnn!

As horrified as I am to realize what discomfort and pain (both physically and emotionally) you are in, I, too, am glad that you are not dealing with it on your own.

I am glad, however, that they are draining all that pleural fluid from around your lung--THAT could not have been comfortable, either!

I know what you mean about not wanting to "look at it". My mom--a stoic steel magnolia--could not bear to look at the horrible external evidence of her antibiotic resistant staph infection that we were having to try and drain several times a day a few months ago (not including the daily visits to the doctor's office to do the same thing). She would just shut her eyes and I would "take care of business" (donning latex gloves after I had sterilzed the entire area of the bathroom that we would be in). It seemed endless--and she was in so much pain (and the doctor's couldn't clear it up!).

That, too, has passed (finally!)--and she was able to heal and proceed with the next step in the treatment for her cancer.

Hang in there--keep the gauze sterile and fresh and the area dry--and best wishes to both you and your husband.


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Thanks to you all...

It has now been almost a week since the procedure and I am still feeling very sore. I have to sleep on my back, which I'm not used to and I've been "told" that I snore like a freight train! (Personally I think my husband is hearing the dog!)

I still experience pain with every drain. We have drained over 3,000cc in 6 days and it looks like there is no end in sight :(

Maybe after a few more days, I will feel some relief. Even though my breathing is better, I'm still in pain. Not much of a trade off.......


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Just wanted you to know, you are in my prayers every day. I hope this clears up the fluid in your lung and you are able to look at this as just one more procedure to get you on the road to healing and a cure. Thinking of you and your hubby. I know what you mean about your hubby being a God send and wonderful. I too have an awesome hubby of 20 years. I am so blessed to have him. God has blessed all of us very well and continues to do so each and every day... Hang in there

Blessings and gentle hugs,


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Hi Tanne Sorry you have so much pain i know when i had my lung drained that was a releif but i also had the pain so i know where your coming from but trust me you will feel better in a few days. Glad you posted to let us know about this procedure. you take care and try to relax. Carlton

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I wanted to check in too so that you would know I'm keeping tabs on you!! I'm so sorry you are in need of that tube. I know my dad said that having his pleural fluid was no picnic to say the least. I will just continue to pray so hard for you that maybe somehow when you start back up with chemo it will make all the difference for you.

I don't know exactly what the talc procedure is but is it something that could work for you?? :? Please take care!!

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I can feel the pain in the words you write. It sounds awful what you are going through. I pray it is temporary. Not all husbands can do what yours is doing, so I guess thank goodness for that. You amaze me with your strength-- I know it is so tough. God bless you.


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