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Hair Loss


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My Mom started loosing her hair the other day from the Chemo treatments and now she said her head is sore. Has any one had this happen and if so is there special shampoo she should be using to help prevent the soreness? Thanks!


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Tammy, As soon as I started losin g clumps of hair, my daughter gave me a buzz cut. (Come to think of it, she might just have used her dog clippers :lol: ) Then I shaved that off. And, yes, it did hurt as it was falling out. Bald didn't hurt, and wigs were easier to use! Tell your mom to go for it.

Remember: The power of positive thinking can change your world! JudyB

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest nutribabe

i've heard baby shampoo is gently enough to use during hairloss or treatment. alos- is it possbile to start searching for a hairpeice (i like the sound better than wig- but there's nothing wrong with "wig")? for some people - it can help maintain some confidence /self-esteem when going out when coping with hairloss.

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Guest nutribabe

i just thought of some other tips- i used a lint roller to help "collect " the hair- because it can really get all over clothing if shaving isn't done. also- you can buy knit caps to help keep hair collected too.

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Guest nutribabe

i just thought of some other tips- i used a lint roller to help "collect " the hair- because it can really get all over clothing if shaving isn't done. also- you can buy knit caps to help keep hair collected too. :lol::lol:

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