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Chemo-Induced Anemia Question

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Guest Evelyn

Hi there,

I've been reading all of your posts and I want to thank you for bringing a little more sunshine to my afternoon. A little background...

My mother was initially mis-diagnosed as having a bad cold last October, before the pneumonia became so bad that a doctor ordered a scan in December. Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer on December 18, 2003.

After a series of biopsies and some difficulties at the small hospital Mom was at, my brother and I arranged a transfer to a first-rate facility in a large urban centre where she was finally diagnosed with limited SCLC (a tumor in one lung) in February.

She's been undergoing chemo and radiation since that time and appears to be responding beautifully. Despite sleeping problems and the trauma of dealing with cancer, Mom has managed to eat well and seeks to make the best of each day. She's walks many miles on a daily basis and has also been out to play a few rounds of golf. :)

Since developing chemo-induce anemia, Mom has been taking a drug on a weekly basis to reverse its effects. Within two days of taking the drug she suffers from serious mood swings and uncontrollable anger. It only lasts a few hours here and there (and only for a day or so), but it upsets her terribly. The doctors have indicated to her that it is "normal" given all the chemicals that are being introduced into her body. Has or is anyone out here suffered similar mood swings? How did you handle them? If you are a child/spouse, how did you manage/help your parent/spouse?

Your thoughts are appreciated.


So far, so good!!

Guest Evelyn

My understanding is that it is called Eprex.


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