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Fri I had my first Taxotere treatment. It went pretty well. The nurses were upset seeing me again. But they had a positive atitude and told me we will just have to kick its butt again. Felt a little tired this week end but not wiped out. Yesterday I think I was pushing myself to much and I had to lay down. My wife came over to feel my head and she said I was warm so she took my temp and it was 99.6 (a little high) later she took it again and it was normal. My wife tells everyone I have to do this for six months and I tell her I hope I am because that would mean its working.

OH Yea with all this bad news about the tumor coming back in my adrenal glands I forgot about the good news. I also had a MRI of my head....ALL CLEAR. No evidance of mestatic desease. :D


Wow, yet another member of the "Empty Headed" club. Boy do we like new members. We are very glad to welcome you Ray.

Earl tolerated the Taxotere pretty well. Hope you are on it for a long time.



Hi Ray,

Congrats on making it to the empty-headed club! Glad that you seem to be tolerating your Taxotere treatment well. Here's to you beating this disease again!





It looks like you and I have a very similar course. I just completed my 2nd cycle of Taxotere after Cisplatin and Gemzar did not work for me. The tumors have gone to my adrenal glands as well. I have not yet gotten into remission, but certainly hope to with the Taxotere.

The only side affect, other than hair loss is fatigue about 3 days after treatment that last a few days. I have had a little joint ache as well. Nothing serious. Hang in there. We'll get through this together. I've got a lot to live for too and at 53 years old, I still have much to do. Feel free to e-mail me PM if you have any questions about the Taxotere.

Take care my friend!!!




Congrats on being a member of the EHC!!!! That, in itself, is great news!

Glad the first round of the latest chemo went well. I, along with your wife, have faith that this will be successful. Pryaer continue, my friend.


Ray, we take all the good news we can get around here...even if it means you are an empty headed guy :lol: I am glad the taxotere went well and hope you continue to feel ok with it.....thinking about you.


aka Nushka

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