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Anyone get the number off that truck?????


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Have ya ever woke up in the morning feeling "pretty good" and by 9 am felt like a truck had hit ya and then backed up a time or two to be sure it did the job? I don't know if my count's took a major fall over night or if I am coming down with something or if the contrast from the scan yesterday did something but I can hardly move a muscle today. I have a call in to my DR. to see what he wants me to do but right now it is even difficult to type this message????

I may just need a couple of units of blood or I may have picked up something at the Dogwood Festival last week end. Should know soon.

Any and all prayers for a minor glitch would be appreciated.

God Bless you all,


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No good deed goes unpunished....

Gee, Mo! Sorry you're feeling dumpy AND that you met my darn beer truck! :roll:

Here's hoping you're back on your feet in NO TIME and are just suffering a "hangover" from all that fun!


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Mo's feeling low

plum out of get up and go

feels like she was hit by a truck

it really must suck

hopefully a transfusion

wont cause any contusions

it should give her some gas

and then this will pass

hopefully this will do the trick

and she can say goodbye to feeling like sh.. er poop

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Guest Phyllis

I am doing the carbo/taxol also and am on my third round. I did fine on the first, a little more tired the second and the third has almost knocked me on my rear. I kind of think it is a good thing just because I feel like it is wiping out all of those blood cells in the bone marrow and hopefully doing a number on the cancer cells. I too wake up feeling fine and then my blood count can just drop out of the blue. Usually if I rest and eat I will feel better. Maybe with a little new blood you will be alright. I may be going for some of that stuff myself before this is over. Hope you feel better.

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So sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad. I don't know when you had your last chemo treatment, but when I had Taxol/Carbo it usually hit me between the 3rd and 13th day. (Usually everyday during that time!)

The more treatments, the worse it hit me.

If your counts are low, you will definately feel bad. Hopefully the dr. can do something to make you feel better.

In the meantime, rest, rest, rest!!!


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MO, I don't know if this fits for you, but Lucie always seems to have a down day after scans. Part of it is the physical ordeal of the scan taking; part is the anxiety building up to the test; and part is the relief of having the test over but still anxious about the results. We just take it in stride, unless it seems to be more than usual for her. Good luck. Don

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