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Iressa side effects


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Hello all,

I am new to this site and would like to ask if anyone has any experience with Iressa. My father began taking Iressa about 6 weeks ago and has since had a horrible rash. It began on his face, but it has spread to all parts of his body. He told his doctor, but has not seen him in last two weeks. Some of the rash has turned to sores (where there is friction) and he is very uncomfortable. Has anyone else experienced a bad rash?

Wonderful Grandpa/Father 58 1/03 diagnosed with nsclc

4/03 Right-Mid Lobectomy

8/03 PET-hot trachea

10/03 PET-hot right lower lobe

11/03 Gemzar/Carboplatnium

12/03 Chronic Broncitis stopped chemo

2/04 Staph infection/pnemonia hospitilized

2/04 CAT large tumor in rt lower lobe spots on trachea

3/04 too weak for chemo started Iressa

4/04 Iressa 6 weeks sideeffects are getting worse

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Oh yeah, some of us have experience with that "rash"....it's kinda like "road rash" (that stuff kids get on their knees and elbows when falling off their bikes)...

During my stint with that drug, I took an oral anti-biotic that helped some (didn't make it go away by any means, but did calm it down some)... Lotions, shampoos...try to avoid perfumes, dyes and alcohol in any of those. One popular lotion is "Udderly Smooth"... For shampoo, I used Aveeno baby shampoo.

I'm sure you can do a search on the topic and find LOTS of suggestions, it's an ongoing topic here....

Take care,


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yes I devolped a bad rash from iressa also, my dr prescribed clindamycin lotion and gel that seemed to help some. Last week I had four biopsies done of my face and neck for research at the university of michigan, the know what cause the rash, just don't know how to treat it effectively.

Seems it is better to keep this rash moist, rather then dry like acne.

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Hi Barbra. I took Iressa for 8 weeks, unfotunately it did not work for me and I am on another clinical trial, hoping for the best. Any way, Iressa gave me a rash and extremely dry skin. I found UDDERLY SMOOTH udder cream to be my slavation, especially on my back. I also showered using Ivory Moisterizing Bath. this allso helped a bunch. My biggest complaint with Iress was EXTREME fatigue. Once I stopped I was a new man. but chemo's effect peoply differently.

good luck



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