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Site outage.


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Site outage- The past 2 days the site has experienced some issues that were un-controllable on our part. The servers were having problems and now they are fixed.

I appreciate the messages letting us know about the issues, however, if you email me and the server is down, guess what, I dont get the message anyway until we have it up again.

If this happens again, call me at 682-554-rick and I will be on it.

P.S.Hateful emails will not make it any faster either.

I am sorry for the downtime we have experienced, but it was truely out of my control...


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P.S.Hateful emails will not make it any faster either.

Ohhhh I get so mad :evil: when people do things like this! Why on Earth would any one send you a hateful email! What a jerk or what jerks! (if there was more than one!) Rick I would like to thank you for all the hard work you do, I am so sorry jerks sent you lousy email!

We really do appreciate you and Katie very much!



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Anyone who sent you a hateful email should be tarred and feathered and run out of cyberdom on a rail. It makes my blood boil to think that someone would even THINK of doing that.

Thanks for all you do, Rick.



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I'll get the tar... lol Thanks for everyone support. No matter what happens good or bad, there will always be someone... lol...

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Well, I guess I'll be the devil's advocate here. We all know Rick doesn't deserve hate email, but I am an IT coordinator and work with computers and computer users and I just want to say that some people just happen to have a very low level of patience, and when they send hate mail, they don't think about the fact that are attacking a person. They don't think about the fact that a caring person is actually receiving the email and taking it personal. They don't know and don't think about the fact that the person doing the fixing is working as fast and feverishly as they can to get it fixed.

I have one user that is as sweet as she can be, but when her computer doesn't work she turns into the Wicked Witch of the Firm. She has had me in tears (unbeknowst to her), because I am doing the best I can, getting all the help I can to fix the problem, and wish so much that I could get it fixed quicker.

People don't think of computers as a machine that will break down. They are so used to the speed of using them, getting things done and everything going smoothly that when it breaks, they just lose control. If they were like me today, they may have just typed a long post puring out their heart, that took them a long time to type, only for the system to crash when they tried to send it. Truly, it happened to me today. I was sending a long soul-dumping PM and Kaplooie! it was all gone. I wasn't torn up about the typing, but I was about everything that I said that had just disappeared.

Anyway, whoever sent Rick emails has probably read this thread and is feeling pretty bad right now. I do applaud everyone for coming to Rick's defense, though, that is very commendable, but how about we all say a prayer right now and just ask God to give folks more patience.

Thank you,

God bless you all,


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Peggy, I am one of the most impatient people in the world. Just ask Lucie. However, that does not give me license to exhibit bad behavior. I think we are in this life to learn and we should be aware of the consequences of our actions and modify behavior accordingly. So that is my two cents. Don

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Ha! I'm guessing that anyone who wrote a hateful email is feeling pretty bad right now. Sounds like Rick deserves an apology, and let's all pledge to play nice from now on. (As a famous driver in So. Calif. once said, "Can't we all just get along?") :roll:

Rick, thanks for having the expertise to keep this site UP and running over 99.99% of the time -- and for having the patience of Job. :wink:


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Hi Rick,

I can't believe someone would send you a hate mail.I don't know when you would have time to read it.LOL.I appreciate a whole bunch all the things you and Katie do for us.Maybe since we all have your phone number now the idiot will call you next time and get nabbed by caller id and we can all tar and feather whoever it is.There is no excuse for that in my opinion.Praying for us all.TBone

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Hate mail, you have got to be kidding.

Rick all you should be getting is 'great' mail. Duh, do people think this is your 'job' and that you are getting paid to do this.

Wish we could pay you to do this, since you do such a 'great' job.


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I thought you were kidding, I kept reading and thinking he has to be kidding us, I cant believe someone actually sent you hate mail over that ..., After everything you do for this website, your heart, soul and love for Katie has gone into it..You dont deserve to be treated in that manner...

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I agree with everything the others have said. This is a very reliable site. You work so hard to keep it going. A nasty e-mail is just uncalled for. And if you got it by e-mail, then you know who sent it and in keeping with yours and Katie's whole attitude you're too nice to expose them to the rest of us. I applaud your professional behaviour!

If it was a regular poster, their head should be hanging by now and hopefully they'll think before they act next time, and if it's not -- who needs them.


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The only way I can even digest the thought of Rick getting hate mail is to assume that the person(s) who sent it REALLY don't understand the facts of running a web site - like it takes lots of time and money too.

And Rick does all of this - with no pay - out of the goodness of his heart and support of all of us.

And, heck, sometimes things just break! LOL!

Thank you Rick for all you do.......


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