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could this be right?


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Hi everyone. I have just one question this time...

My Dad will be going in for surgery by the end of the month, I guess the doctors will be removing half of the right lung. We are so excited (or as excited as you can be about surgery-but excited none the less)...

They seem to be pretty sure that there is no cancer left in any lymphnodes, :D , and nothing at all was glowing on the PET scan anywhere else... great news right???

Not so fast....

My Dad was reffered to a different hospital for the surgery, and when he was making that appointment, the doctor had said that the surgery only improves his chance of survival by 5%, and the following 3 rounds of chemo given after surgery gives him about another 5%. Now my Dad is wondering if this is "that great of news"...

Dont get me wrong, we know how very lucky we are right now, not only because the tumor can be removed, and also because of the shrinkage, and the cancer responding in his lymphnodes, and getting the heck out of there....

but why wouldnt his chances for survival be only greatened by 10%???? If theres no cancer in his lymphnodes anymore, and the tumor and surrounding tissue is gone.... whats the problem??

I know there is always a good chance of reoccurance down the road, and the chance of not getting it all this time around but even still... are there more factors that Im not seeing?

Ok just one more question... The doctor said my Dad had been given "the watered down" version of chemo, and after the surgery he will be getting the full blast, the real thing ... Now I know these arent "medical terms", we rather it this way, but has anyone had both "the watered down version, and then the "full blast" after? It would seem to me it should have been the other way around... Aggressive first, and slightly less aggressive after just to make sure they got it all... then again I am no doctor.

The chemo didnt bother my Dad at all, and Im wondering if this will since its "stronger"...

Any advice welcome, invited....

Thanks for listening


P.S. The new picture is of my Kids... they make my Dad both smile and cringe everytime they knock on the door to ransack his house.

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My own kids make me both smile and cringe :lol: .

I don't know what to tell you except what we were told when John was first diagnosed. Our family doctor brought us in a couple of days after diagnosis for "the talk." He told us that the best chance for a "cure" was surgery.

John was also started on a milder version of the chemo while he was doing radiation and then went to the full dose later.

We keep saying it over and over that statistics are outdated and there are lots of people defying them. Don't worry Jamie.


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I didn't have chemo prior to surgery - I had the lower and middle lobe of my right lung removed (approximately 55%)... According to my oncologist AFTER surgery, highest survival is getting rid of the critter and going on from there... My odds? Depends on which doctor I talk to!

My thought? If Dad's up for the surgery, go for it....


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Hi Jamie,

I had surgery on jan. 26. They removed half of my right lung. It was IIIA nsclc. They found cancer in the lymph nodes by the mediastum during surgery although I supposedly had nothing in the medioscopy and bronchoscopy the week before. After surgery they had me go to an oncologist and she said there was pnly a five per cent chance chemo might help me. She also said My cancer will probably come back. The thoractic surgeon did tell me that surgery was my best chance for a complete cure. The state doctor told me it depends on how many places they find cancer in whether a person has a five year survival rate. I heard the chemo is very powerful for lung cancer. I decided against it myself. I don't know about surgery only giving a 5% extra chance. There are some folks on this forum who have had many years of survival. Lets hope we're all lucky. Best of luck on the surgery!

Sharon L.

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I have two seperate friends whose father's both had one lung removed due to lung cancer and lived for 10 years after the surgery. In my opinion, surgery is always the way to go if it is a possibility. I wish you and your Dad the best.

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My mom is a few months ahead of your dad in that she was diagnosed in Nov, had chemo, then surgery in March, and now radiation. My understanding is that recurrance rates are high b/c of floating cancer cells. However, it was pointed out by the medical oncologist, surgeon, and radiation oncologist that right now, the patients are the NEW statistics b/c as little as 5 years ago, they did not do a multi-approach for lung cancer. It was just surgery, or just c hemo, so the statistics are outdated.

I am kind of bipolar about it--I realize it is logical that statistics are outdated and not accurate however, I get bummed at teh same time :)

Be thankful that your dad can get surgery, that itself is major progress!

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