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Organ Donations


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Chris and I both had an organ donor sticker on our driver's license's. I never brought this up to the dr's because of the spreading of his cancer.

I just wanted to let you know that after he passed the hospital called the Organ Donor bank and they called me. Apparently his cornea's and alot of tissue would be available if we wanted to donate them. Scott our 21 yr old was home and we both agreed to it.

Scott was the reciepent of donated tissue when he had his ACL repaired. Also I think it's great that Chris' baby blue eyes will be helping someone to see. They asked us if we wanted to know who would be receiving his cornea's and we decide no, that wasn't important to us.

So I just wanted to let any of you know, who had been thinking about this, that it is possible even with cancer.


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That is wonderful! I had thought that once you had cancer, you couldn't donate blood or body parts anymore! It's good to know I am wrong and the place can remain checked on my licence. I always thought that donating organs was a really great thing to do!



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Debbie - that is wonderful. My condolences on losing your young husband. It looks like it happened so fast. It sounds like you are doing OK.

I can sorta help answer the question on blood donations. I went to donate here at work and after spending 20 minutes on the book-long questionnaire I completed, the plebonitist (is that what they're called?) took one look at the box I checked saying I'd had melanoma and not so politely escorted me to the door (OK, it wasn't that bad, but I did feel a little like a pariah!). I did ask, and certain cancer survivors, including lung cancer patients, can start donating five years out from remission. but other cancers, like melanoma, disqualify you for life. That was such a shock to me, I did have a Stage II melanoma, but it was just in my skin layers, and it was no big deal! but I guess it's more like one of those "blood disease" cancers or something.

Anyway, don't know what the deal is on cancer patients, but maybe certain organs like eyes are ok because the veins are too small for cancer cells to travel through?

Karen C. (Dave C's wife)

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That is great news. I thought if one had chemo (John Fact) organs could not be donated. I have always signed up for organ donation and felt bad they would go to waste when I die because of the chemo I have had.

My liver has to be good. I have given it a good work out.

I have a story to share about a little boy who had asthma and played hockey at the same arena that Tyler my son played. He was about 12 and had an attach that killed him. One year later his family attend a hockey tournament in his name. The Young girl who sang the National Anthem at the opening ceremony received his lungs as a organ donation. I believe the family did not know this until she sang.

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I am so sorry about the loss of your husband. What a wonderful thing that someone may be able to see because of the organ transplant you authorized.

Mr. Ry, your story about the singer gave me the chills!

I have a very good friend who is alive today because of a kidney transplant. It really is the most generous thing for a person to donate organs -- truly saves lives. Bless you!


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What an unselfish act. I'm inspired by this and will make sure I put a donor sticker on my license. Thanks for reminding me to do it! You are awesome and I'm sure your husband would be very happy to be able to help someone else in need.

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