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I am so excited, I came home from work to a colorful package. I opened. It was the T-shirts I ordered from this website.

I have to say, thank you Katie for choosing such a nice t-shirt that fits and looks good! You saved me from embarassment, I had NOTHING to wear to Relay for Life. They gave committee members red t-shirts to wear. Well an XL simply does not fit, I was like oh my goodness, what will I do? They did not order many larger sizes.

Well problem solved, Brian will wear the red committee shirt for me and I can wear the LCSC shirt!!!!!

This is going to be my weekend summer staple. Chubby people like me will understand this---the t-shirt fits so nicely. The material is not thin like many t-shirts where they cling to you. And it is short sleeves, but not TOO short like many t-shirts where the flab hangs out. These shirts are a MUST BUY!

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