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Will Medicaid pay for Iressa?


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I asked my onc about the possibility of going on Iressa. He said he didn't think Medicaid would pay for the cost, and it is very expensive. I also had told him that it worked better for non-smokers, and women. He apparently hadn't heard that. He said he knew it worked for lung cancer patients with BAC. It seems like any time I ask about anything different than chemo, he doesn't approve/doesn't think it would help me. WHY??? If I stop responding to chemo (which I'm afraid is going to happen), what are my options - death?


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I remember a post just about a month ago that someone had gotten Iressa free from the drug company. I guess you have prove a lack of money to get it. I do not know about Medicaid paying for Iressa. Keep pressing for the Iressa. It has work very well for me and others on this board. Sounds like your onc needs a swift kick in the butt.

Best of luck John.

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