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MRI accomplished; waiting for results and chemo on Monday


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I wasn't able to get in touch with the LC board because of the "technical" problems, or I would have written and asked for good vibes for Len's MRI today.

We got through that despite his claustrophobia--he took two xanax before we drove to the place and it WAS an open MRI -- they still put this little "helmut" on his head making him look just a bit like The Man in the Iron Mask, but he was able to do it and we came home, one more thing accomplished.

Our oncologist called us two nights ago and told us he would call with the results as soon as he gets them. In the meantime, he told us that he was going to follow the thinking that had come out of the latest research and Oncology Society meetings and recommend four (Chemo) treatments instead of the three he had proposed a few weeks ago. He also spoke to a leading oncologist at Mass. Gen. about Len's case who recommended that we follow up on chemo with radiation IF Len can tolerate the whole shebang. On the one hand, it was, of course, disheartening to have the number of treatments go up. On the other hand, it was good to know that he was following up on things and keeping the latest developments in mind when it came to treating Len. So I feel we're in good hands -- and that's the best possible news we could have at the moment (except, of course, for COMPLETE CURE...dream on!)

So we start on chemo this Monday. Len's a bit nervous (I'm cleverly disguising the fact that I too am just a bit on the uneasy side) but we're hoping that it goes well and does the necessary stuff. In the meantime, we're hoping for a clear MRI -- keep your fingers crossed for us!


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I pray that Len is able to tolerate the chemo treatments well. I saw my oncologist yesterday and she also mentioned that there was a lot of emphasis on chemo follow-up to surgery at the conference (doesn't apply for me). Thanks be to God that they are learning more and more about treating this disease. It is understandable to be apprehensive about chemo, but remember Len will be monitored and chemo can always be adjusted...we are individuals and react as such.



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Guest bean_si (Not Active)


Fingers crossed, prayers being said and positive vibrations rocking the walls.

It is VERY good that the onc. is into being kept abreast with current developments. He sounds like he'll be a great part of the team to bring your husband back to wellness.


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It is very good for the soul to have a doctor that you feel is treating your husband as an individual.

You may want to ask the onc. about taking Celebrex with the Carbo/Taxol. 1. it seems to offset the joint pain side effect of the Taxol and 2. as a Cox2 inhibitor it appears to have some anti cancer properties.

Many people on this board are taking Celebrex.

Many good thoughts and prayers for the treatments.

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We're waiting for tomorrow, when Len goes on chemo for the first time, and we truly appreciate the support and tips that you've given us. We did get the news we were hoping for after the MRI. It came up clean, so that's one less thing to worry about at this point. And I actually got Len to go out to a party last night at a good friend's house - his first socialising since the dx. He had a great time and didn't feel any of that nerve pain around his rib until he got back home!

So tonight, it's 10 pm decadron and 4 am decadron, then off to the cancer centre in the morning, packing a box lunch, just as if he were going off to school. I'm going to hover until I know it's going all right, then I'll try to while away my time, and not chew too many nails down to the quick, before I come back to pick him up in the afternoon. Keep those good vibes coming our way!


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