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When it comes to cancer screening, more isn't always better

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This article really ticks me off. I had to respond in their discussion forum. I stated the following:

"I think it is tragic that CT screening for lung cancer is not being recommended because of false positives. Early detection is the only way someone can be cured. If the researchers lived with a stage IV lung cancer patient that had chest X-rays religiously every year and they didn't show what a CT scan would have, they might have a different opinion. Better to have unnecessary biopsies than to die at an early age."

I want to find a way to make my opinions known in "high places." Any idea how to do that?

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Hi Tina,

First let me say that I’m sorry that I upset you. That was not my indent. I put out information that I hope will help people. But I’m very glad that you questioned it. As far as who to write to please see the websites below and you might want to call ALCASE for further information. Again I apologize if I upset you. Hope this helps.






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Hi Everyone

This article has made me quite angry as well. Early detection is the key to treating all cancers, lung included and x-ray isn't good enough as a screening device.

Also another quote from the article seemed wrong to me:

As Dr. Barnett Kramer, associate director for disease prevention at the National Institutes of Health, said in a recent phone interview, the evidence that lung cancer, too, can be nonprogressive came as "an eye-opener"; "I would now say overdiagnosis is the rule, not the exception."

Has anyone out there come across a case of nonprogressive lung cancer, or a lung cancer that is not clinically relevant, I've certainly never heard of one and I've searched the internet exhaustively. I certainly hope that I haven't upset anyone by posting this, but I think everyone here realises that lung cancer is a serious disease that needs aggressive treatment, how they can talk about overdiagnosis and overtreatment is beyond me.

Regards to all,

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I had already seen the article. Just wanted to let everyone know how I felt about it. I'm sorry if it sounded like I was mad at you. I wasn't. :oops: I am so glad that you keep us informed on all LC news whether we agree with it or not! Hope we can still be friends. :?

Take care.

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I understand. No pr :) blem. All is well. Always good to question things with a passion. I know your feelings came from your hearts. Peace, take care and God Bless.


Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." [Albert Camus]

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