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I really don't want to be a copy cat but......


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I found out today that I seem to be following in Shelly's footsteps. I failed my mammogram and now have to go in for further tests.

I really don't want to think the worst, but after this last year, am I scared of cancer of any kind.....you betcha!! I know all the stats and that if it is breast cancer, there is a very good probability of surviving it. But I also know my family history. I know in my head that there is a possibility of it not being cancer, but until I know that for sure, I am scared.

The worst part of this is I can't even make the followup appointment until Monday, then there is the waiting. I hate waiting. I want to know now darn it. Like I need anymore stress in my life.

I will let you know what I find out when I find it out. I just pray I am over reacting and that everything is fine.

I need someone to hold my hand and I choose you guys.

Thanks for being here.


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i will hold your hand and you can hold mine. we will get through this together. My biopsy's are this coming Thrusday the 15th. They are trying to prepare me for the worst. I already expect it. I am prepared, i think, if it is cancer. At least my sister and I will be in the same fight together. Her 2nd surgery is scheduled for the 26th for the lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy's. then she starts radiation about 4 weeks after that w/chemo.

Imagine me with you there in your appointment and I will do the same. I am there for you. always.....

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Shirley, I understand your fear. I had a failure several years ago and was also very scared. They tried a needle biopsy but it was too deep to get to it. When they tried the needle biopsy, they then found two cysts instead of one, so I had to have them surgically removed and biopsied - both of them were benign. Also, it was the easiest surgery (recovery) that I have ever had and I have had quite a few surgeries. I was amazed, and like I said, they were both deep. Actually, I had it done on a Friday and couldn't even take off work on Monday, with a clear conscience :D , because it was almost painless.

It will be ok, and I will say prayers for you.

God bless,


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It's not nice to be a copycat, and I really wish you wouldn't! Seriously, I'm sorry to hear this and sorry you have to WAIT. I hope come Monday that things will speed up and that your peace of mind will be restored real soon - as well as good health. Prayers coming from Southern California,


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Thank you all for being here. I don't know what I would do if I lost the ability to be here.

Thank you all for holding my hand, just as I am holding yours. Together, we can get through this.

Shelley, you especially are in my prayers.

Much love,


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Shirley and Shelly,

When I was going through all the testing that led to diagnosis, both for the breast cancer and the lung, I told the doctors and their nurses about my anxiety and worry and that I wasn't sleeping or eating over all the waiting.

I swear they did their very, very best to move my testing along quickly.

Didn't make the pathology reports any prettier, but once we had a diagnosis and a plan, at least I could see us moving in the right direction instead of just waiting for another appointment or test or surgery calendar opening.

For my part, I had to be really flexible if I wanted that kind of consideration--I remember going in for my biopsy, which was under general anesthetic, at 3pm, after not being able to eat or drink anything from about 6 that morning.

And, xanax was a big help for me throughout both ordeals.

Good luck, you'll both be in my thoughts.......try to remember, even if, and that's a big if, this is a cancer, it carries a very good prognosis, and, while the treatment is nothing anyone would ever volunteer for, it's so doable....

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I had 7 bad mammos and all ended in operations

(not biopsies) and all were benign, so hope is there.

I will hold your hand you will need a spare one

the way it goes.

So I will say some prayers for you and wish you the



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Dear Shirley,

Is it just me, or is this da** cancer everywhere. I am only sorry that you have to wait to get the 'good' news. Waiting is horrible.

I was told one time that my mammogram showed 'fluffy' breasts (and I always thought it was only my hips that were fluffy). Scared me to death but it turned out to be nothing.

My dear friend and my sister both literally breezed through the lumpectomy and radiation. At age 69 my sister drove herself to radiation everyday. My freind is a 13 year survivor.

My prayers and hugs are heading your way dear Shirley.


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Shirley -

Adding my prayers that it's nothing. We all know there are many scares on the mammograms that turn out just fine, but until we get that report it's real scary.

Wishing you the best. Feel free to PM.


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Please keep in mind that 80% of all breast lumps are benign. And mammograms are not 100%. There is ultrasound, needle biopsies, and removal before any diagnosis. Please find a reliable and recommended doctor, and don't forget about 2nd opinions. My breast surgeons do it routinely.

What I don't like, personally, is the "let's wait and see", without getting another opinion.

Let me know


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