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What can I expect from surgery?

Guest redhead

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Guest redhead

Hello again,

Just found out my husband is having his thoracoscopy on 5 August. What can I expect in terms of pain levels and recovery times for him. I know what the procedure entails and that they may remove the rest of his lung if it's malignant. If it's benign how long will he stay in the hospital, etc.

I'm so scared, and at the same time relieved that it's finally going to be looked at so we know what we're up against.

My husband isn't interested in knowing anything it seems. Is that a form of denial or a coping mechanism. He says I can go ahead and worry for him.

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I had a CT guided needle biopsy , not thoracoscopy, for diagnosis so I can't help there but I do know that you still need a chest tube to help with the reinflation of the lung. I had a Lobectomy by thorocotomy and my chest tube was out by the 4th day and I was home. If they only need to use the scope, they don't break ribs etc it is a minimal incision and much less discomfort. We have a doctor here in the twin cities that in certain cases can even take the entire lung out with a scope . These people also have a lot less pain because of the minimal incisions. This works on people that have a smaller tumor, not near vital organs as the heart or blood vessels, have had no chemo or radiation and their doctor has had the training on how to do this. Hope all goes well for your husband. Donna G

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my mom had a mediastonocopy, not sure if that is the same as a thoroascopy. She tolerated it very well and went home teh same day! They found it was cancer, but did not remove the lung porition immediately b/c the lymphs were positve, so she had chemo first

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