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Anyone know of mets to prostate from lung?


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Dear Nell,

Well, that's interesting and I for one have never heard of lung cancer spreading to the prostate, BUT, I never say NEVER! My Uncle was just dx.d with prostate cancer and his PSA was 9.5 as well, but he only has prostate cancer. He is now on the Hormone shot and doing very well. Does Prostate spread to the lung? HUMMMM!!!!

That may be another thought! Keep us posted.

Good luck and God Bless.



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Prostate does spread to the lung...and the bone...and the brain. It killed my grampa, but it took ten years after treatment to come back that strong.

It's possible there are two primaries, there are ladies on here that had breast cancer that were primary and lung cancer that was not a met from the breast....

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Hopefully the prostate is benign.

If it is cancer then they have to determine if the lung is a primary or secondary cancer.

The latest in the news has shown that PSA testing is not that accurate

There is a test called AMACR that may be better than PSA (I have not researched this much though and you could ask the Dr).

Have the Drs performed a PSAP (prostate-specific acid phosphatase)


I did a search of pubmed and did not find any reference of lung cancer metastasizing to the prostate.

The article below says prostate cancer metastasizes to the lung in 46% of prostate patients in one study.

It could be two primaries, but the PSA could mean something else (inflamation, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), etc).


There is an article on pubmed about PALM (prostatic adenocarcinoma with lung metastases)



Pulmonary metastasis from a primary prostatic adenocarcinoma without involvement of other metastatic sites is quite uncommon.[1-5] There are a relatively few reports in the literature on prostatic adenocarcinoma with lung metastases (PALM

Metastatic patterns of prostate cancer: an autopsy study of 1,589 patients.

Bubendorf L, Schopfer A, Wagner U, Sauter G, Moch H, Willi N, Gasser TC, Mihatsch MJ.

Institute of Pathology and Urologic Clinics, University of Basel, Switzerland.

The prognosis of prostate cancer is mainly determined by the presence or absence of metastases. Nevertheless, the metastatic pathways in prostate cancer are not entirely understood. Among 19,316 routine autopsies performed from 1967 to 1995 on men older than 40 years of age, the reports from those 1,589 (8.2%) with prostate cancer were analyzed. Hematogeneous metastases were present in 35% of 1,589 patients with prostate cancer, with most frequent involvement being bone (90%), lung (46%), liver (25%), pleura (21%), and adrenals (13%). Several lines of evidence suggested the existence of a backward metastatic pathway through veins from the prostate to the spine in addition to classical hematogeneous tumor spread via the vena cava. First, there was an inverse relationship between spine and lung metastases, suggesting that metastasis to the spine is independent of lung metastasis. Second, the maximum frequency of spine involvement occurred in smaller tumors (4 to 6 cm) as compared with the maximum spread to lung (6 to 8 cm) and liver (>8 cm), suggesting that spine metastases precede lung and liver metastases in many prostate cancers. Third, there was a gradual decrease in spine involvement from the lumbar to the cervical level (97% v 38%), which is consistent with a subsequent upward metastatic spread along spinal veins after initial lumbar metastasis. The results of this study show that bone, lung, and liver are the most frequent sites of distant prostate cancer metastases. Besides the cava-type of metastasis through lung passage, there are strong arguments for the existence and clinical significance of a backward venous spread to the spine, which is likely to occur early in the metastatic process.

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