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Small pelvic node near overy hot on PET-anyone else have


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On all 3 of my PETS, a small pelvic node has been hot. This PET this week was after chemo and now it is smaller and less hot and one thought is it has responded to chemo (not what I want to hear as that would mean its a met). The other school of thought it it is some unrelated inflamation. I also have poly cyctic ovarian disease which showed up as usual on the CT scan. Oncologist thinks it may be a met, Radiology oncologist thinks its nothing and says you can have an ingrown toe nail mild infection and have a node light up on the same side that is not cancer. Bad place to biopsy so may not get confirmation.

Anyone else have a pelvic node light up. Results?



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I have nothing much to offer except that I have a condition that lights up on PET which makes it difficult for Drs to tell if it is a met or not. It lights up on nearly 40 per cent of my bones, s0 PETS dont work well for me. I am wondering why you have had so many PET scans. Perhaps CAT Scans would be more precise as far as getting a look at the actual shape and characteristics of the lesion??? Or maybe one of those new PET/CAT combos. Hey I am no Dr. but I do know that PETs alone can sometimes be deceiving--either false postives and John posted a while ago that there are actually more false negatives than false positives, which is something I didn't know.

I know it must be tough when even the Drs contradict one another.

Glad to hear from you.



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Jen-Look at it this way-if it is met the chemo is working on it. You said they said it is smaller. I had a place in my L adrenal gland, it was never biopsied because if it was the cancer then treatment would not be any different so why have a surgery that isn't really needed. As of right now that tumor in adrenal gland has shrunk to almost nothing so the chemo did the job.

How are you doing besides this?? I think of you often

Love your friend Cindy

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I agree with Cindy. Either case it is pretty good news. It may be nothing or the Chemo is working. I read a research article that said when PET is used to monitor response to chemo, if there is a response (if it is a met), it is a good sign and more favorable prognosis.

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The PET can't distinguish a minor infection with active lymph cells caught in the node from active cancer cells caught in the node -- all it means is there are cells that are metabolically very active, as would be the case if you're fighting an infection, and have an enlarged lymph node anyplace else. I do not think this means you have mets there.


Prayers always,


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My PET lit up also in the pelvic area. I went to see my gynoclogist, she felt that it was ovarian cysts. I thought this new chemo would throw off the female process, but it hasnt yet. Oddly, mine also responded to chemo and disappeared. So, who knows? My recent CT showed activity in my kidneys of all places. I don't know what that is about. Well see on the next CT.


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