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Blood Vessel Popped in my Mom's Eye???


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I may be overreacting, hope I am. I saw my mom last night and her left eye is red, looks like she popped a blood vessel. She said she felt something in her eye earlier in the day, but does this sound familiar to anyone, maybe something having to do with brain mets!?!? (We do not know she has brain mets, her last scan was months ago) or with the Iressa?



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Your Mom needs to contact her Oncologist and an Opthamologist immediately. I know that (rarely) those on Iressa have a negative reaction to the drug that can affect the white of the eye and must be dealt with asap. But, also, those of us who have undergone conventional chemotherapies are at increased risk for detached retina. I've lost count over the past 5 years of those I have known who have been treated with chemo for their lung cancer who had a detached retina. So let's hope it's just a slight irritation, but please get it checked out anyway.

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Thanks Maryann and Fay! I just spoke with my mom's onc and he is not concerned. Of course I mentioned a possible detached retina, but he said if her vision was ok and her eye socket was not swollen, it was probably nothing. And he said he did not know brain mets to "show" themselves in this way.

I am breathing slightly easier for the moment. :?


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Denise -

I don't know about iressa side effects, but the warning signs for detached retina almost always include vision disturbances. I'm at increased risk for retina problems because of the severity of myopia I have. My opthamologist has given me standing orders to call right away if I see any weird flashes or an unusual amount of "floaters", which look like amoeba superimposed on everything you look at. Headache is another symptom.

Hard coughing can also cause small vessels to break in and around the eyes. If your mom has a regular eye doctor, I'd call to discuss the problem.

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