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The Getting Smaller Club


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Ok, let's not be the Chub Club. When I finally get skinny, I don't want to be in a chub club. How about the Getting Smaller Club? I promised I would report back in 4 weeks, and that is TODAY. Results: Drumroll please ............. 9.5 lbs. lost.

I am getting smaller! I think that should be our constant affirmation.

I suggest we make our report-in time the 1st of each month, so we can officially start September 1. If by that time, you did not get smaller, then you can make your affirmation "I am still going to get smaller" or "I want to get smaller".

What do you think? Do we also want to share a little about what each of us are doing? I'm doing calorie counting, low fat and good carbs (veggies and some fruit - yuck! I hate most fruit). I'm only having a little bit of bad carbs each day, i.e., Snackwells Devils Food Fat Free Cookies, Fat Free Fig Bars, or low fat graham crackers. My favorite low-calorie food that I've discovered so far is Jennie-O turkey breast slices. Two HUGE slices are only 50 calories and 0 fat and it is really, really delicious. I have averaged 1500 calories a day, and I am using the FitDay software I posted a few weeks ago (only $20). I love it! It really helps to keep me on track and showed me I needed to add more fiber and protein, which I've done.

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think? Do we officially start reporting in on September 1? Can we be the Getting Smaller Club? I'll be in charge of starting the posts if you like (sorry, Ry, you're too skinny to head up this one - I saw those Michigan Bash pictures - but we will use you as our model body - ok?).

Loveya all!


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Me too!!! I need to lose and my doc is on my case cuz of CHF. I will be doing 1200 to 1500 a day too, and good carbs. So do we start sept. 1 ? I will have to report progress when I get home from camping. I get home Sept. 7. Leaving August 26, can't wait!!!

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Yes Peggy, by all means take over the diet club and re-name it whatever you want to. Actually "chub club" was a re-name. We started out as the "Fat Cancer Survivors and Caregivers Club". I like the "getting smaller" version better.

Since the club began in December I have lost 19 lbs. I was at 17 for the longest time and then finally knocked off 2 more. I have been walking with weights all summer and it seems to help burn a few more calories.

Good luck to everyone...


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Ok. Great. Yes, Cat. You can do macro, micro, mini, hi fat, lo fat, no fat or liposuction! :lol:

Ry: 19 lbs. - that's wonderful!!! No wonder you look so pretty in those pictures. You be sure to chime in and motivate us with ideas on how you did it and how we can maintain it when we are all SMALLER!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY! How did you do it?

Ok, we will start Sept. 1. I'll start a new thread on Sept. 1, another one on Oct. 1, Nov. 1, etc. I know it's only 10 days from today, but surely everybody can report at least a 1 lb. loss in 10 days, but even if you don't - that's ok - you are still eventually going to be GETTING SMALLER. Then, during the month, you can post as often as you like with updates, or ideas or recipes, or cries for help, etc. - whining will be allowed. :lol:

So, go weigh yourself right now or first thing tomorrow morning so you will know how much loss to report on Wed., Sept. 1. Try to pick the same time of day to weigh, and once a week is a good idea. I weigh myself on Sat. mornings.

By the way, where are all the men? Don't we have any fat guys out there? Don't be shy now boys.



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Peggy, good call -- I'll be happier as a member of the Getting Smaller Club than the Chub Club, although both names were/are true for me.

Ry, 19 pounds is terrific!!! I started last year about this time and have lost 16, but have stalled for quite some time now. Time to get serious again.

I think it was Hebbie (?) who posted about the "Superfoods Rx" book while back. I'm impressed by its approach to eating the RIGHT things, not just avoiding the wrong ones, and it does seem to be helping me. (Besides, who doesn't like blueberries?) :D

I'm also interested in the software you mentioned; I'll look it up!

Count me in,


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Here's the link to the software: http://www.fitday.com/Pc/WhatIsFitDay.html

Nell, Take a box of low fat graham crackers on your camping trip. They are lightweight and Nabisco's Honey Graham are only 120 calories for two FULL sheets. Not too great on the nutrients, but they help satisfy the sweet tooth.

Tina, If you are doing Weight Watchers or similar, that is really good. I lost 37 lbs. on WW about 5 years ago. Got 7 lbs. from goal in 6 months time, and then quit. :cry: Have now gained back the 37 plus 15, so now you all know that I have a LONG way to go and will be starting those 1st-of-the-month threads for many months.

I checked the label on that Jennie-O turkey, and it's called Mesquite Smoked Turkey Breast. I got it at Sam's and went back today and bought two more packages for the freezer.

Oh, and Becky:

Besides, who doesn't like blueberries?

Me! The only kind of berry I like is strawberries, and they are just ok. I have tried to force myself to eat more fruit (and to like it), but I can only force it just so long and I always give up. I started off with a whole sack of apples and ended up throwing away half of them. I even tried baking them with Splenda which made them a little better, but not much. I've been eating canned pears and canned mandarine oranges in their own juice and I like those pretty much. Oh, I also have been eating Motts Natural Applesauce - the little cups only have 50 calories and they don't have sugar added.

Ta! Ta! Happy eating!


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BOY do I need this.... I have always had a weight problem, even so bad that 20 yrs ago i had my stomach stapled to lose weight, which i did, but thru the years ive put it back on and lost it so many times i quit counting. Ever since Mom got sick, my eating habits have been shot to H..L....waffles and hersheys bars or reeses literally. candy during the day, waffles at night, food doesnt even sound good or taste good anymore, oh and fresh glazed donuts every morning (will eat on those thruout the day) so as you can see ive got to do something i have gained over 20 pounds in 6-7 weeks

So count me in and ill let ya;ll know what diet i start, a;though from past experience i really just need to watch what i eat, as the staples are still in my tummy and pretty much still work.

Good Luck all


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BOY do I need this.... I have always had a weight problem, even so bad that 20 yrs ago i had my stomach stapled to lose weight, which i did, but thru the years ive put it back on and lost it so many times i quit counting. Ever since Mom got sick, my eating habits have been shot to H..L....waffles and hersheys bars or reeses literally. candy during the day, waffles at night, food doesnt even sound good or taste good anymore, oh and fresh glazed donuts every morning (will eat on those thruout the day) so as you can see ive got to do something i have gained over 20 pounds in 6-7 weeks

So count me in and ill let ya;ll know what diet i start, a;though from past experience i really just need to watch what i eat, as the staples are still in my tummy and pretty much still work.

Good Luck all


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It's my turn. I have lost 42 lbs. About 10 in the last few months before Buddy passed on and 32 in the last 6 months.

I have cut out a lot of the things I love the most and which loved to stick to my ribs. I am eating raisen bran and One Bran (I think that is the name) cereals, fruit and one piece of whole wheat bread and 1/2 piece of Hoffman supper sharp cheese for breakfast, no lunch and for dinner I have either all veges or spinach salad, or chicken salad with lots of fruit and sometimes I allow myself to have a pork chop or steak or whatever. I also allow chicken strips a lot. Buddy and I never had lunch. We usually only had two meals a day and I have stuck to that. if i have lunch i am not hungry for dinner. If I have lunch, I don't have breakfast.

In the last two weeks I have not lost anything. In fact, I keep going 2 on 2 off. Can't understand why it is getting harder to lose. I am walking a little also. I still need to get rid of about 30 more lbs to be back to the weight I was at the age of 47. I gained all this weight when I stopped smoking at age 48. Food tasted so much better. haha. Maybe I should start counting cal's. Don't know if that will work or not.

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Well, it's time for me to 'fess up........I need to shed about 20 pounds. :oops: I, like you, lost close to 20 pounds doing Weight Watchers. Then, after Dad was diagnosed, I have gained most of it back. My weight just wasn't so important, ya' know??

Peggy, I also do not care for very many fruits. This is what I did when I was on Weight Watchers. I made a smoothie............now, I'm not talking about one of those soy smoothies or a protein shake.........I'm talking about something that really tasted good to this southern girl. :wink: I used one serving of strawberries, one Blue Bunny sugar free, fat free sherbert popsicle (I scraped it off the stick with a knife.....only 50 calories and GOOD!) and added ice. Sometimes I would add a little skim milk or half a container of fat free, sugar free yogurt. I'm telling you, it was GOOD!! And in Weight Watcher points, it is only 2-3 points depending on what all you add. That was about the only way I could get in all of my fruits.

Good luck! I will probaly start on Monday morning and do something real close to WW. (I like the new flex points system)


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Thank you! I downloaded FitDay and got it all set up... except for the measurements part. Just can't bring myself to do that today - ha! I appreciate for the recommendation -- I had been looking for something like that a few months ago. I figure I spend so much time in front of the computer, why not use the darn thing for something healthy? :roll:

I like a lot of fruits, but don't eat them as much as I eat CANDY. And my downfall is not eating veggies. There are some I like, but they're not real high on my list of perks, ya know? I do remember, though, when I was strictly following my old nutritionist's guidelines, that all those healthy foods started to taste really good after I was on track for awhile. Here's hoping it works again, 'cuz that's what I'll be doing.

His advice, in a nutshell: balance every meal with 1) protein, 2) fiber/ veggies (not starchy veggies), and carbs (starchy veggies & fruits), and eat smaller and more frequent meals. Oh, and he said to start eating as early in the day as possible, which I'm really bad at. I lost 12 pounds in 6 weeks doing nothing but that... and with the more balanced diet I craved sweets less. It wasn't really even all that hard, and I didn't even add extra exercise to my routine... but then I got lazy and gained it all back over the next year or so. Of course that was 5-6 years ago, and it does seem to get harder every year. :twisted:

Wishing us all slimmer,


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Becky, I didn't do the measurement part and don't ever intend to. I would get so depressed, my motivation would take a hike.

Norme!!!!!!!!! Wow! What a role model you are. That is just wonderful. I'm afraid I couldn't skip lunch, though. It seems like once I start eating for the day, I gotta keep pushing it in -- and regularly! LOL. Now, I'm just trying to do it with low calorie, nutritional things.

Kim, It's a good thing you and I aren't roommates. If left alone, I would eat those things 24/7 (all except the candy bars - I'm not a big candy bar person) - but bring on the donuts - plain yeast are my favorites. I should have been a cop, huh? They are so bad for you, too. In WW they are SIX points, just for one yeast donut. I'm doing a really good job of turning up my nose at them, though.

Angie, Thanks for the smoothie recipe. I'm going to try it. It sounds really good. The flavor of most fruits is ok to me, I guess, it's the texture or something. I do absolutely HATE melon, watermelon, cantalope, etc. I don't even like to smell them. Our son LOVES that stuff.

I slipped up tonight, ladies. Went to a wedding. But considering all the good food that was available, I didn't do too bad. I just hit the bread and cheese a little too hard. I hit 2,040 calories for the day, and I didn't even eat any of the cake. I don't feel bad about it at all, though. I had a good time, and after 4 weeks of being so good, I think it's ok to go over a little once in a while. Besides, before I started this, I would have had 3,000 to 4,000 calories for the day.

Next thing to tackle is the dreaded "E" word. I've got a tread mill collecting dust that's starting to talk to me. I'm using it to hang blouses waiting to be ironed. LOLOL! I'd love to take walks on our road, but it's just too scary because some of the cars drive through here so fast.

Well, good night all. I think we will all lose 1/4 lb. while we sleep tonight.



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Count me in. I lost about 20 lbs with Weight Watchers, then it crept back when I, as usual, went off the regimen despite my promises to myself that I wouldn't do that again. And then I went back last fall and was doing ok -- not terrific but ok -- had lost about 8 pounds when Len was diagnosed. Talk about going to hell in a handbasket. I've been out of control since then. So now I REALLY need to do something.

Sept. 1st sounds good to me. I'm going to begin the day before, which happens to be Len's last chemo treatment day, but the first of the month works as a marker. I've been thinking about trying the South Beach diet -- so many friends have been using it successfully. And it might get me really started and encouraged, which I truly, truly need.


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I was doing pretty well, but tonight (this morning?) when I got back and sat down at the computer, I polished off a whole bag of ginger snaps.

Why had I purchased them (at the HEALTH FOOD STORE) in the first place?!?!?!

My IQ must be in the negative digits.... Sigh.


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