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Brain MRI


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Hello everyone,

I had a brain MRI late this afternoon. Of course no results yet. Is this the tyoical protocol prior to chemo/rad? I was given some IV solution to improve resolution about midway through the procedure. Of course this freaked me out because I thought they must of found something! Is this normally done? I hate the wait, and forget trying to read your results based on the techncians expressions.


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Cheryl and Jack,

just on my experiance with my mom.....

Mom's left hand went numb and her fingers would not bend. We took her to the ONC. and he did a MRI and we knew instantly that she had brain mets. 3 of them. we even knew the size. She never got an IV or anything like that though so I am not sure about that.

She had 14 full hear RAD treatments and were having a follow up MRI on 7/7/03 and we will know that hour if they are gone.

My advice...ask every question no matter how mundane you think it is. If you have any concerns, questions, unknowns, hunches, or just general what if's ASK thats how fear of the unknown gets ruled out. I make a list of questions every single ONC. visit and dont leave until they are answered.

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Hi Cheryl,

If you were just diagnosed with lung cancer then this is probably just routine. After my diagnosis for SCLC I had the brain MRI and bone scans because this is the most common places to spread. I also had the injection half way though, it is for a view with and without contrast. Before treatment is started they need to know just what they are dealing with. Usually radiation will not be done unless the cancer is all in one area. In any case you will probably receive chemo which will hopefully be very effective. I'm glad you found this group, it has been so helpful to me in getting through this. If you give us more details about your situation there are people here that can offer information and support. You're not alone.


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When I was diagnosed they put me through every scan they could think of. Partly that was because I am out of range of what is consdiered a "typical" lung cancer patient, so the oncologist was convinced that lung cancer couldn't be the primary. But mainly they are just trying to be thorough in making sure that they are doing the right treatment for you--if you have brain mets, they need to know as soon as possible.


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Dear Cheryl,

When i was in the process of being diagnosed, i had a full body bone scan, chest CAT SCAN, bone marrow test and a brain MRI. Half way thru the MRI, they do inject a dye for contrast (i'm pretty sure this is always done.) All of the CAT scans i've had also involve an injection of dye for contrast - so all in all i wouldn't be alarmed. I guess we have to be thankful that they have these wonderful tests. where would we be without them? 8) wishing you good results.


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To hear that y'all have been thru and recognize my concerns sure makes me feel better... Thanks for your input as it certainly didn't hurt to know others had experienced this.

Shelly, hope your July appt. is a good one! Your Mom is blessed to have a daughter as bright and persistent as you. We admire that and that's how we have learned you have to be! Becky, reading your post was right in ine w/ everyone else's as was yours Jenny. Thank's so much!

We are all praying for Cathy and her father. Our thoughts will be with all of you!

Thanks for being here!


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