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no longer a chemo vergin


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Well my brothers and sisters I am no longer a chemo vergin.

Yesterday I had my first chemo. Wasnt that bad. Took about 5 hours because they had to explane every thing and the actual drugs took about 3 1/2 hours which i slept through most of it. My wife had to drive home because I felt drunk. But today I feel pretty dam good. I went to my sons ball game, I went to the car show they were having in town and when I came home I went swimming. I know that side effects may come soon and when I get more treatments but for now I feel great.

Thank you all for your concerens and prayers


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Guest bessb

Ray - sounds like you did real well and hope it continues. On my first 8 treatments I had very few side effects at all. Couple of days where I felt a little queasy and off nothing major. The past few treatments I have had some side effects, but they tell me that goes with the territory, it is the cumulative effects of the chemo towards the end. So hang in there and you will do just fine

Bess B

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If you start feeling a little low, just reread Ginny's posts...she always makes me smile or even LOL! :lol:

So glad things went well and that the anxiety of the "unknown" is behind you...now you can focus all that energy on BEATING the crap out of this stuff. Hugs.

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I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you! I know we havent officially met but I read your posts and you sound like a tough guy who will definately beat this! I'm glad to hear that your first chemo is out of the way and you are feeling so great.


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I had almost forgotten about that drugged feeling you get when on that chemo. I now remember sleeping during the injection. Hmmm! Wasn't all that bad after all.

I also remember I had restless leg syndrome where I constantly moved my legs during chemo. Then, for a couple of days after I would have joint pain. Other than that, life was good.

Hang Tough

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