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mom is in the hospital again....


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Howdy y'all.... hope all is well with you and your loved ones.

Mom went to the dr. for bloodwork following chemo and now she is in the hospital again. She needs 2 units of blood.

This has been a bad day for her. She has been feeling bad the last few days and then this morning I noticed that her hair is begining to fall out.... I looked at her and she had clumps of hair on her shirt and a small bald spot on her head. That was just terrible. We knew it would happen, but when it does, it's just shocking. Her hair is comming out by the hand-fulls.

My brother came by today, for the first time in 3 weeks, so he took her to the doc. About 2 hours later he calls and says to me..... "get up here quick... they are having trouble with mom. GET HERE NOW" So needless to say.... I flew to the hospital, scared to death. They were having trouble getting blood!!!!! That's it!!!! The A-hole scared me to death. I told him not to ever do that to me again. He said he didn't know what to do.

So that's our big day.... it's 6:00 and I can't wait to get my kids to bed and relax for a bit.... Thank you all for your kind words, I feel better after hearing that I'm not the only one. I had felt so terrible for feeling that way, like I needed her to be gone for a little while. I thought that I was being selfish.

Thanks again all.....

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Sorry to hear your mom's not doing so well, Renee. :( My mom's hair hasn't fallen out yet. I bought her a book on lung cancer that we have been reading in depth and it described that you lose your hair just as you describe, all of a sudden like that. It must be scary. I am going to try and go get a wig for my mom now before it happens. She expressed wanting one.

I hope your mom starts to feel better, hopefully the transfusions will make her feel better. And there is nothing wrong with needing a break from it all. It is such a stressful thing, being the sole caretaker of a sick person. I thank god my mom's sister is here right now (flew from British Columbia, Cananda to New York) to help take care of her. She will leave at some point though. So don't feel guilty in the slightest. Big hugs to you, during this difficult time.

I am praying your mom starts to feel better.

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When exactly does hair start falling out? Just to prepare for my dad. Today actually right now i think he starts the chemo. I think something like 6 hours??? is that possible dear god! his are one every 3 weeks. and renee i do not mean to laugh but your comment about your bro being an a-hole made me laugh. He must be pretty impressed with you though to handle all of this so well :D

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My husband has not had chemo but did have brain radiation. After about 10 treatments his hair started coming out in clumps. He made the decision to have his daughter shave his head. Didn't look bad, a little like and older Bruce Willis. We shaved it again about 2 weeks later. That was mid November.

It is just now beginning to grow back. We are calling him fuzzy. I asked the docs why 'Radiation affects the hair follicles and may take up to 1-1/2 years to grow back' But now just 3 months later, we have fuzz. Can't tell if it has changed texture or color yet. He prides himself on being a natural blond with no gray.

I am a true believer that for a woman it is worth mortgaging the house almost to get a decent wig. So much of our self worth is dependent on our appearance (Maybe shallow but true) It may also be the time to try something different, maybe blond, maybe curly.

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Hi Karma,

My mom had 5 chemo treatments (1per week for 5 weeks). She had Carboplatin and Taxol, and her hair never fell out. Prior to starting treatment we went wig shopping and she got a cute short haircut so if it did come out it wouldn't be in long clumps, but it never did!


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Yeah i find out today what kind of chemo it is going to be from my mom. I may go over the hospital during lunch to see them. Mass general. (i live 5 minutes out of Boston near the airport and work in boston)

so hopefully i can brave the cold and maybe pop by there.

Is it true that you may get sick 2-3 days AFTER the chemo?

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Hi All,

Just want to share some thoughts with you regarding hair loss, and sickness over chemo's. First of all, not all people get sick from Chemo's. MOST people don't get any major side effects from chemo these days, thank's to all the new anti-nausea drugs they have. :) Also, having a POSITIVE ATTITUDE going into your treatments truely DOES help with your treatments. I guess it's like anything, if you think hard enough on something, them sure it may happen. If you talk yourself into getting sick, well then you will get sick. So, I suggest walking in and saying over and over and over " I CAN DO THIS, I CAN HANDLE THIS" etc..... Mind over matter DOES and CAN HELP!!! Being arond POSITIVE People also helps. A LC survivor/patients never wants to hear negative things during this journey!!

Nor do they want to hear "you should do this or you should do that" LOT's of TLC is soooo important at this time.

Also as far as hair loss goes. Again, some do and some don't lose there hair. However, it's not uncommon after the second session of chemo's for a person's hair to start falling out, and 99% of the time it comes out in clumps!!! I know, been their, done that? hehehehe!! And as much as appearance may be important to some people, you would be surprized how comfortable having NO hair can truely be. No muss NO fuss!!! IT was GREAT!!! There is a company called PAULA YOUNG WIGS. I'm sure if you typed it in the internet you can come up with the website. The prices are wonderful and the wigs are great too!!! People can spend hundreds of dollars on wigs and have bad luck with them. (so I have heard, and experienced). COMFORT is the MOST important issue when buying a wig. Because we don't always feel so happy pappy, wonderful when going through treatments, we tend to fall toward our comfort level being number one in our lives. So, check out the Paula Young website. And remember most people after there hair does grow back never looks twice at that $500.00 wig you may have purchased!!! I say save that money and go PARTY when your done with your treatments. :) I use to be very vain as well about my apperance, but BOY did that CHANGE!!! Not that I don't care about what I looked like, but it's not as IMPORTANT as it use to be, LIFE IS!!!!! :):)

Also for those doing radiation treatments to the brain area's, you may notice your hair may NOT come in as thick or heavy in the area that was radiated. Again, not uncommon. But, be it chemo or radiation treatments hair tends to come back after 3 months or sooo of your treatments and you should be able to wear your new do within 6 to 8 months after completing all treatments. I also think I told you that when I shaved my head I stuck to my pillow in bed that night. Guess I didn't do a CLOSE SHAVE!!! hehheee!!

Well, I hope this helps somewhat.

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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When mom came home this morning she was complaining that her scalp was hurting her. She asked me to cut it off, she said that maybe the way it was being pulled with the turban, (she started with a turban because her hair was so thin and it's pretty darn cold out up here), that it was causing so much pain and since it was comming out anyway....

So I did, and laughed the whole time. She looks rediculus. I don't think that chopping hair is a strong suit for me. I did that at 8:00 this morning, it's 3:30 now and she still hasn't looked at it.....lol.... :lol:

My mom has only been to chemo once so far, she is on taxatere so she goes once every three weeks. I can't believe she has already started to lose her hair. She realy didn't seem to worried about her appearence. The only thing she said was that if anything does happen to her, to make sure I covered her head.

Thanks for the posts, I read them to mom and they made her smile.

She has also said that she would like to post on here to y'all, that you guys have helped so much, she will thank you herself soon.

Thanks again.

Mom diagnosed 9/02 NSCLC stage 4

8 weeks of radiation, one round of taxater(sp)

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Renee the hairdresser if you do not mind me asking your mom was diagnosed in september? How come they did not start chemo till now? My dad started his chemo today and it is once every 3 weeks so i am wondering if the same is going to happen to him? still not sure again on what type of chemo they are using i will find that out, once my madre calls me... :x she forgot to call me today...it's ok but i was waiting for her call. anyway. what exact kind does your mom have? and i am assuming with stage 4 it met. Has it been in stage Iv since the DX or did it progress? I hope none of my questions are intrusive. say hello to your mom. I wish i could maybe get my dad on here, but he only likes solitare on computers that is about it. :D

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I'm glad your back... :lol:

My Mom's hair was falling out to and it was bothering her. She was crying and said "Cut it all off!!" I took some scissors and trimed it shorter so it wouldn't be so long falling in her eyes. The next day she cried again and yelled "laurie I want you to get your father's beard trimmer out right now and shave it!!!!!!!" I was scared, kindof felt like She had turned into me me with PMS... I wasn't sure what to do, but she insisted... so I did it, Now she kind of looks like Annie Lenox.

She said her scalp was sore too...i think it helps to cut it.. Buy her some fleece hats if you can they are warm and soft.



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Funny stuff.

My husband lost his hair a month after whole head radiation. Thank God it was one day after we took family pictures. I shaved it also. There is a patch at the base of his back neck that didn't get affected so the hair grew back. At first he would'nt let me shave it. you should have seen him- bald except for a 1 inch strip in the back. Finally he let me shave it. It is not growing back yet-radiation ended 11-18- He does have a little hair He's not completely bald. After 3 rounds of chemo-no hair loss.

Another cute story-a friend's husband's radiation caused hair loss on that small strip in the back of neck. She never told him so he walked around looking weird with that hair missing. She figured what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.


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Renee, I think its great that your mom is not so concerned about her appearance. When my dad started to loose his hair he had it buzzed really short, it was itching him when it started to fall out and he found it to be very annoying. His hair is all grey, but REALLY thick. Its actually quite nice. Anyway, now he wears baseball hats all the time. Its funny, because when I was a kid I always wanted to buy my dad a cool baseball hat, but he never wanted one because he said he didn't like to wear hats. Then he got cancer, and started to wear one and it made me sad :( . Now his hair is back and he STILL wears a baseball hat outside all the time. He said he feels naked without it. I guess the cold weather we've been having dosn't help. Oh, well, now at least it gives me another choise when its time to buy gifts. He's a hard man to buy gifts for, so why not a nice baseball hat.

Anyway, I hope your mom starts to feel better really soon. And I also hope your brother dosn't freak you out like that again. My mom always said that when the S*%$ hits the fan, it always seems to be that one sibling ends up taking up most of the slack, and has to take charge. I guess its true. :roll: Please continue to keep us posted about your mom and tell her she's got a slew of "cheerleaders" as JudyB would say, cheering her on. And you, too. Take care, Deb

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My husband lost his hair due to whole brain radiation too. The hair at the base of his skull on his neck, grew back right away (we had shaved his head). My step daughter is a beautician and said that neck hair is different than head hair and was not surprised that it grew back right away.

My husband finished his radiation 11/6 and it is just now that his hair is growing back. He really looks cute, he are calling him fuzzy.

His onc said it could take up to 1 1/2 years for it to grow back since radiation does strange stuff to the hair follicle.

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When I first found this board, it was to find out what happens with Cancer and therapy. Mom was diagnosed in September with tumors in her lungs, it took about 2 MONTHS to find out what stage she was in, and then it was 3b.

When I found this place and told the great people on here my story, that's when I realised that people normaly have some kind of therapy done right away, not the case with mom. With some guidance from here, I knew what to start demanding, and how (thanks to Jen) to get on there nerves enough for them to get off there *ss's (pardon the launguage).

After 2 months with nothing, I started yelling for radiation or something, so we started radiation and mom got sick with pneumonia, she has been in the hostpital now 4 times with it.

For the first month, mom was taking just plain tylenol for pain. Again, thanks to this board, I learned what to ask for and how to do it. I believe it was the second pneumonia that we learned that she is now at stage 4. I truely believe that because of the 2 months with no therapy, the cancer spred.

I still can't get a straight answere about the effects of radiation and how far it has spread. I don't know about mets. I assume, like you do, that she has some. I don't have any idea how she is doing. I don't know if anything is helping or not. I am just told that the x-rays, not ct scans, look better. We can't get ct scans done.... I yell at them all the time to do one.... they won't. We have tried to go to another dr. but because we can't get a referal to another one, we can't see one. We want'ed to go to the medical board here at the hospital, but the dr. mom has, hasn't refused to give us one, he claims he hasn't had the TIME to give us one. So we wait.

I called for refills on meds for 2 days..... it took 11 hours to get one yesterday. I called at 8 am, and picked up the script at 7:30 lastnight. I got to the pharmacy as they were closing the doors. Thank heavens we live in a small town and the pharmacist knows about mom's condition and he filled it for me. One of the meds is an antibiotic that she needs. Almost didn't get it until Monday.

Ok.... I think I've gone on long enough..... aren't you glad you asked... :wink:

mom is taking a nap now and I need to go to the store to get her some snacks......

good luck to you all......

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GET LOUD, Do not let them push you around. I keep telling the doctors how wonderful my husband is, how important he is to his children and grandchildren. I try to make him human to the medical people. I show them pictures of how he used to look. Do not, repeat not, let them tell you that you can't go to another doctor. Keep insisting, they will wear down. Don't let any avenue go untouched.


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For those who are now bald, go to www.paulayoung.com as someone suggested (was it our Connie?). Their wigs are terrific and inexpensive. When I found some on a "Web Special" I bought a bunch and donated them to the cancer center where I was being treated.

Another thing, regarding chemo: Don't always assume the symptoms that show up a couple of days after, are chemo symptoms. They very well could be caused by dehydration! I got a "bag" dripped in the day after chemo and felt fine the next day. Oncologists know this and none of them even mentioned this possibility. I sometimes think, they must like to see patients suffer. At the least are indifferent. JudyB

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Hi All,

Just wanted to add to Judy B's post about chemo and dehydration and she is 100% right. On my last day of chemo I was so excited that I didn't drink my water like I should have and low and behold 2 days later I ended up with flu like syptoms and was totally dehydrated from the chemo. I did end up in the hospital for that one!! :( Not uncommon so they told me!!! I thought for sure I had the flu!! WRONG :?:?

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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Hey fay my dad is on both those chemo's too, so i wonder???

Renee I am glad i asked. my dad actually in hospitalized this weekend. (i posted on the late stage forum so i do not bore anyone and repeat myaelf)

I agree with others though, get vocal with them and i would even get a bit personal. I mean would they want their mom treated in this way???? And i would complain to the hospital, sounds like you should have a more defined diagnosis by now. i mean if they said it was stage IV it has to have mets. to a distant place. They should be able to tell you that! they obviously have the info! You need someone who is goign to listen to your mom and your family's concerns.

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