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Best Birthday Ever!


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Howdy Everyone,

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday, I finally took some nausea pills to knock out my headache and sleep. I slept for a few hours and woke up feeling better, even ate some yogurt. I managed to still make it in to work, and my co-workers all planned a big birthday bash for me. It totally took me by surprise.

Jack and I took about 20 of my relatives out on a picnic and on the boat Sunday. It was so much fun! We grilled out and laughed till I cried. My nephews and nieces had never been out boating and skiing, so they really enjoyed it. I pray for many more good times.

Well, Tomorrow is CT scan day. Yikes!!!! I will post as soon as I know something.

Love to you all,


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Happy Belated Birthday! So glad to hear that your day was made soooo special. What a great group of friends and family you have with you. Sounds like a great day on the boat. I guess we got all the rain down here in Houston over the weekend! :lol:

Keeping everything crossed for your ct tomorrow. Mine is Friday, so I'll definately be thinking of ya!


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Happy birthday Cheryl. What a great time you had this last weekend. Its amazing that you are still making it to work...I really admire you for that. Glad your co-workers gave you a "bash". As for the scans, you are certainly in my prayers about that.....Dear God, please, clean scans for Cheryl. I will be anxious to hear from them.


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