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Mom's back home and no news and good news.

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Dear friends,

Mom is out of the hospital and home. In a nutshell the Docs still aren’t really sure what’s going on. According to the MRI there may be a thickening of the brain lining near the back of mom’s brain. I have not actually read the report yet but our radiation onc (who I really respect) said that it was inconclusive. He ordered a MRI of mom’s spine (we’ll get the results next week) because apparently this type of met usually is associated with cancerous cells in the spinal fluid and there would be evidence of cancer in the spinal column as well. He is not anxious to rush into more brain radiation before more facts are in so we are in a wait and see mode, which is fine with me.

We are also going to do some tests to see if the trouble mom is having with keeping food down is a form of thrush (yeast infection). I’d be really happy if it was because we need to get to the bottom of that issue.

The good news is that the 4 brain mets that are left in mom’s brain are continuing to shrink! :D:D:D

Thanks again for the prayers. They are really lifting us up. We are all in very good spirits and I am grateful to God and all here.

My very best and prayers for all,




Your mother is an incredible survivor. No news is good. We will take it. It is good to hear those pesky brain mets are shrinking and that radiation is working. The thickening is probably scar tissue. I am with your mom's doctor, lets not jump too conclusions. Prayers for you all,


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