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Ivan is headed for Alabama.


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This is non-cancer related but it appears that Ivan is going to hit the southern part of mine and Angie's state. They are predicting high winds all the way to where I live with tornadoes, heavy rain and gusts up to 90mph. I am getting very nervous. It is suppose to start getting bad here early Thursday until Friday afternoon. They are telling us that we will more than likely be without power for a few days. I would like to ask for your prayers for all of us here and up the coast as Ivan take his toll up the eastern shore. I was involved in a tornado years ago and I get extremely anxious over bad weather. I have my xanax ready... :)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and prayers.


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Sounds like it is time for a ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!! When I was a kid we lived in Aubun AL. and we had a hurricane come up our way, This would have been in the early 70's. We lived out of town a little and were surrounded by trees. My sister Becky CW, had a broken leg or ankle or something, I can't remember exactly but she was on crutches and she hopped around the house from window to window watching the trees being blown over.

Y'all hang in there, I suely hope that you do not get hit hard. Come on up to VA if you need a get away although it may cause us some greif here also.

David C

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I will certainly keep all of you affected by Ivan in my prayers. You all were so wonderful when "praying me through" Frances. We're still in a mess here over Frances and now hear Jeanne is maybe headed our direction!!! What's up with all these hurricanes????

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For everyone in the path of Ivan, I too say get somewhere safe. If you decide to stay then be sure to stock up on supplies and get you a plan as to exactly what to do when it gets there. Not sure you can plan exactly due to variations but try anyway. Last but not least...PLEASE check in ASAP to let us know you are ok. :)

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Praying for all those that will be affected by Ivan. I lived in that area 3 times and we still own a house on the Gulf Coast. I spoke to some of my friends and tenant yesterday , they are all leaving! Evacuation is called for all living south of I-10. I was there for Frederick, they say that was 25 yrs ago, they were refering to it this AM. Boy I remember what it was like as if it was yesterday! I especially pray for those in New Orleans, Slidell, La, Abita Springs La. and Gautier, Biloxi Ms. Donna G

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I'm worried about y'all over in Alabama too! They say we're going to get some of the effects here in Atlanta also, but I don't think it'll be nearly as bad here as where you are. If you need a place to bail out, call me - I've got plenty of room and would love to have the company (and I MIGHT even clean the bathrooms!)

We've got kinfolks down in south Louisiana and in Mississippi, and they're shaking too - for good reason! This is NOT good time to be in the Big Easy!

So y'all head our way - or HANG ON TIGHT!

Praying for us all,


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Nina, Angie, and everyone else in Ivan's path, big prayers going up for you. I pray you are all safe and calm.

If you can't evacuate, make sure to board up or at least tape up, have tons of ice and water on hand, waterproof all of your important papers in ziploc bags, and try to locate a generator if you can. A grill, cooler, manual can opener and granola bars were also great to have on hand. Also, very important tip...gas up now and fill up any gas cans you have on hand. We had a serious gasoline shortages (or the electricy was out at the gas stations and the pumps couldn't work) in the first few days after Frances and Charley.

Enough with these hurricanes already :x !



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Yes, I hope and pray everyone stays safe with this hurricane. Like David said, I was "home alone" one day in Auburn during a hurricane. We lived in the woods where all the trees were fairly young. What I heard outside the house was like Rice Crispies -- snap, crackle, pop -- trees blowing over left and right. Fortunately, none of them fell into the house breaking any windows. Auburn is a long way from the ocean, too. Those of you closer to the Gulf, especially, I hope there's no damage to life, limb or property. Be careful -- Thinking of you!


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