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Hi everyone! My name is Kim and my mother was diagnosed in Oct. 2003 with sclc. She has gone through several rounds of chemo and radiation, including preventitive radiation to the brain. I don't know the chemos she's had because I can not be there to go with her as I live a distance away. She had a clear PET scan in May of 2004, but it returned in her Aug. 2004 scan in her lymph nodes in her neck, shoulder and chest, but not her lung. Originally it was on the pleural lining of her right lung, middle of the chest. She is now in a study for the use of Alitma in small cell lung cancer. So far they think there is some positive results being that the node in the neck and shoulder are softer and smaller. She comtinues to be optimistic> :D Enough about the disease and more about my wonderful mother. She, with my dad, have raised 5 kids in her lifetime and sometimes the grandkids! :lol: She did this while my dad worked out of town 5 days a week. She has sacrificed things for herself so that we never wanted for anything. She has a wonderful laugh and a beautiful smile(even when she takes her teeth out! :lol: ) She's just a great mom!! I hope to get to know some of you through all of this. God only gives us what we can handle, so we ALL must be pretty strong and incredible people! My prayers to all! And God Bless.

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Hi Kim....


Sounds like you have such a wonderful mother..... sounds like she is also lucky to have a daughter who loves and admires her so much....

i wish you and your mom all the best in fighting this disease....

this is a great place to come when you need people to talk with, compare notes, etc....

Many prayers and warm wishes


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Hi Kim and WELCOME!

My brother and sisters lived in different states when my dad was very ill and it was very hard on them. I sent them daily updates by email, sometimes 2 or 3 when his condition was particularly good or not so good. I knew that if I was the one that was far away, I would be half crazy. I hope that someone in your family is keeping you posted frequently about your mom because it will help you to feel more in touch.

We are all here for you as you, your mom and the rest of your family fight this fight. Please come often and let us know what we can do to help.

God bless you,


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Welcome Kim.

I am so very sorry you had the need to find us, but I am also glad that we are here for you.

Please stay with us, and know that we are here for information and support. This is a wonderful group of people and they have hearts as big as the EARTH! I'm sure you will find much comfort and information here.

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Thanks to everyone for the warm welcomes! You know, I hadn't even thought about that mom is indeed a one year survivor ! We will have a lot of things to celabrate on her birthday in Oct. I think God has a reason for everything, and I'm sure this is all meant to be one of life's learning experiences. I'm learning a lot about the kindness of others and that there will always be bumps in the road, be they a pebble or a boulder! I'm am so greatful I have found you all, for it is to you that I feel I can pour my heart out to. This is my BIG shoulder to cry on and my billboard to praise on! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Hope you don't mind, but I'm quite the blabberer! :D It helps me deal with the ups and downs of my emotions.

Again, thank you and I will keep you posted. God bless and keep you all! Keep up the fight!

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hi kim,

welcome to the board. i'm sorry to hear about your mom's sclc recurrence, but you and your family seem to be such a strong, optimistic group of people. i'm sure you'll get through this together. your mom is certainly lucky to have you.

God bless,


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Welcome Kim (fellow Hoosier and same name)! My dad is gone now, but he was also diagnosed October last year. You're right, this is a special group of people and you will get great advice here and the latest updates on this disease. Don't know how I would have made it through my dad's illness without their support. Sounds like your Mom is a wonderful person and will pray for her!

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