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My mom lost.


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I know some of you were keeping track of my mom Phyllis for me. I'm sorry to say that the experimental chemo she was on was no use. The cancer got very aggressive and she passed away on Thurs., May 16 at 10:35 PM in the local Hospice.

Thank you for keeping her spirits high. I know it meant a lot to her to have somewhere to turn for answers.

I'm only 19 and I lost my father to brain cancer last year. With a little luck I might be able to keep my house, but I suppose if that doesn't work, I'll just have to cut my losses and pack my things for California. My original plans were to go to the University of Southern Cal. this year, but I stayed in Indiana to take care of Mom. I suppose we'll have to see what happens.

Thanks again.

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{{{{{Shawn}}}}}, I'm so very sorry to hear about your mom. She fought so hard and was so brave. It's sure doesn't seem fair that you have had so much loss in your very young life and in such a very short time.

Hang in there and know that our warm thoughts and prayers are here for you. I pray that everything works out with the house and school for you.

I found your Mom's online notice. I hope you don't mind that I list the link for everyone to see and read about your beautiful Mom:

http://www.legacy.com/posttribune/Legac ... Id=2623431


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OH Shawn,

My heart aches for you right now. Your mom is a special person who fought long and hard and who just wanted so much to see you on your way in this world. She wrote so highly of you and your future and I know that you meant so much to her. Please keep her love with you always. She lives on in your memories and will keep a watchful eye on you. Please let us know how you are doing when you can. I know you have other family but I hope that you will see us as a part of your family, too. There are other young people here who lost their parents or parent and maybe they can be of help to you.

love and fortitude


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So sorry Shawn. What a burden you have had to bear at such a young age. Do you have any brothers or sisters or anyone to turn to for support.

Do let us know if you are going to come to California and may I ask what attracts you to this part of the US.

Your Mom certainly sounds as if she were a lovely person and she was so lucky to have such a caring son.

Love and prayers, Paddy.

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I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. My heart goes out to you. It is so beautiful that you put your dreams on hold to be with your Mother.

You have to look out for yourself and your future is very bright I'm sure you will be led to a path of happiness with your parents lessons and spirit to quide you. Whatever you decide will be best. I just moved from so. cal myself to phoenix. So cal is very beautiful.. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

Huge Hugs Shawn


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I am so sorry to hear of this great loss. I think at your age, a loss like this is particularly difficult, and I am so sorry. Your mother was a very beautiful lady. I can only imagine how much you loved her and how proud you are that she was your mother. It is so admirable that you gave up your schooling to stay home and take care of her. I'm sending you my deepest sympathy, both for this loss and for the loss of your dad. I pray that God will hold you close and help you to get through the days ahead. Maybe you can stick with us for a while and let us help you get through it all. We're here for you if you need us.

God bless you,


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Oh Honey, I am so sorry. Your mom was such a fighter and we all adored her. She sure worried about leaving you behind. I too lost both of my parents to cancer, within two weeks of one another very young. It seems senseless, but God has a purpose for our suffering. I don't know God's purpose for your mom, but she inspired and motivated me. She my Dear, had more will to live, than anyone I have ever seen. God recieved a special lady in his kingdom. May you be comforted in knowing that her pain is no more. You will see her again too. God bless you and help you through this time of loss.


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I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful mom..You are way too young to have to endure such pain..She was a beautiful soul and loved her family tremendously and she too was way too young..Again Shawn I am so sorry and if I can help you please dont hesitate to ask...

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Dear Shawn,

I'm so sorry about your mother -- she fought a good fight and she was lucky to have you at her side. I hope that you can take some comfort in the fact that you were there for her, something that must have given her great pride AND comfort, even at the end.

You have had so much to contend with in your young life. I hope that things will now begin to work out for you, that what remains of y our family will rally behind and help you sort things out, that you can go ahead with your educational plans and build a wonderful future for yourself. Your mother would have wanted that, I know. So you need to do it for BOTH of you, and for your dad as well.

And remember, you have an extended family right here. We're all in your corner.



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I'm so very sorry for the loss of your mother. The obituary was beautiful, as was she. I can't imagine the pain you've been faced with in the last couple of years . . . may you find a way to make it through this most difficult time.

Your Mom was born on the exact same day (June 20, 1954) as my brother TBone, and he just passed away of lung cancer on July 30th. So your Mom only made it 48 more days than him. I'm sure they'll be sharing a birthday party next year . . .



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This is such heartbreaking news. I am so sorry to hear about your mother. You are an amazing 19-year-old to be facing a second tragedy and still have the fortitude to keep us informed. Although your parents had such a small time to enjoy you, it is obvious that they did a wonderful job and that must have given them all the happiness in the world. Hold on to those treasured memories and not the pain of the last couple of years.

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