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It's been awhile - Mom & I were taking an NSCLC vacation


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I haven't posted in awhile because my wonderful Mom has been blessed with remission from NSCLC IIIB for almost 2 years. I still came here to see how everyone is doing during that time, but haven't posted very often. Happily had nothing to report.

My Mom opted for just Chemo & Radiation - no surgery. She was in remission and feeling great. The oncologist checks her every 3 months and after almost 2 years, she has a new primary (1 cm) in the opposite lung. They have been watching it for awhile now and it is very slow growing. She just started on Iressa and I'm happy to report that she's getting the wonderful Iressa rash - so we're taking that as a positive sign that it's working. :D

My best to everyone in their battles with this disease....and thank God for this place and all the support I have received over the past 4 years. XO

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Well, I would say "Welcome," but since you were here first, I guess I should say "Welcome Back!" I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's new primary - that had to be quite a blow. But hopefully the Iressa will do the trick.

From your signature, it's obvious that you've had more than your share of this little LC stuff. It really sucks, doesn't it?

Let us know how we can help.

Praying for us all,


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