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Has anyone experienced facial flushing during chemo week


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I had Cisplatin and VP 16 . Mine was a whole lot more than facial flushing. It was instant menopause, Hot flash, Hot flash , Hot flash, rip your close off, wet hair, flash , flash flash. Sorry, don't know what would help you. Donna G

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Jen, when I started the 2nd round of chemo (Carboplatin/Etoposide) I had a major night sweat the night after they gave me the Carboplatin IV. It woke me up in the night, but wasn't a "flash" because I wanted to cover up instead of throw off clothes! I had a few smaller ones over the next few days, but no more after that. I never had anything like that during the day time.


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They may be giving you steriods right before chemo and that causes a red face. I mentioned it when they started by 2nd round and the onc nurse told me that in addition to the anti-nausea meds they were also giving me a nice dose of steriod to help the anti-nausea meds work better.

You might ask them if you're receiving the same. Mine went away within 24 hours.

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Sharlene, I'd completely forgotten about that. Yes, I had an IV with a steroid and anti-nausea drug before the Carboplatin IV. I only had a problem with the night sweat the one night I told about, and minor ones a few times, but it wasn't anything constant, and I didn't have the "red face" -- just sweaty. Eeewww!!


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I'm going to start a thread about how many people's memories, cognitive abilities were altered by chemo? I swear my brain doesn't fire on all cylinders any longer and my memory - oh gosh, my memory.

I only remembered it because of the facial flushing and hot feeling. I felt like I had a sunburn for the first time in many years. I didn't even need blush. 8)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I realize this is probably late, and you've already got several replies, but just this week, the oncology nurse told us that the flushing was from the steroid given with the anti-nauseants prior to chemo.

She said it wasn't serious, but if it was bothersome, to take an antihistamine like Benadril to alleviate it.

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