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Help those who were exposed to asbestos


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Dear Friends,

USAction is speaking out against Senate majority leader Bill Frist’s new asbestos bailout proposal that favors the asbestos companies and their insurers who knowingly poisoned hundreds of thousands of workers. The new proposal would take away compensation that’s already been promised to hundreds of thousands of asbestos victims and give it back to the companies that poisoned them in the first place.

USAction's Latest Anti-Asbestos TV Ad

http://www.fenn-group.com/usact/Hallibu ... media.html

Watch our latest asbestos TV advertisement and then take action. The ad features Halliburton, a company that could still be “bailed out” of the settlement it has reached with at least 300,000 of workers and their families. The commercial also focuses on how legislation in the US Senate favors corporations over the workers that were knowingly poisoned. The ad has aired nationwide.

Take Action!

Tell you Senators to not support the asbestos bailout proposal.

Call the Capitol Switch Board at 202-224-3121.

Don't know who your Senators are? Find out at

Call your Senators today and tell them to support asbestos victims, not the companies that poisoned them!

In Solidarity,

Jeff Blum

Executive Director


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