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Mom Has Stage IV NSCLC

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I would like to introduce myself. I have been reading the e-mails on this site for several months now and feel like I know a lot of you. You seem like a wonderful, compassionate group of people, and it amazes me how kind, caring, and supportive you are to other members in spite of the hard times most of you are going through. I also have learned a lot from this site in the past few months.

My mom was diagnosed with NSCLC in January 2004, she lives in Canada and couldn't get started on chemo until June, the chemo caused slight shrinkage, but she was really sick and weak from it and didn't want to do more. Fortunately after she stopped chemo, she regained her strength and energy and 2 months after she stopped the chemo she was back to how she was a year ago (minus the cough which was her only symptom from lung cancer). She started on Iressa 2 weeks ago and feels great, she has a mild rash and her energy level is even better than before so we are hoping for the best. I wish you all the best of luck in the battles you are facing and will be in contact with you now that I am a member.


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Welcome to this board. As I am relatively new to posting, but have been reading posts daily for months, I just wanted to thank you for being able to put into words my thoughts about this support group. It is an incredible person that takes the time and compassion to offer support to others during such stressful and trying times when most of us are emotionally drained, this board is full of those incredible people. I'm sure you will gain a great deal of knowledge, love and support from your visits here...as have I.

I'm hoping that the Iressa works well for your mother.

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Hi Rana and a big WELCOME to you! It sounds like your mom is really doing a lot better now. Chemo tends to knock everybody on their hiney, and I'm glad to hear that your mom has recovered nicely. I'm glad you found us and hope that we will be able to cheer you up when you're down and laugh with you when you're up.

Once again, WELCOME! and God bless!


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