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My first hall pass


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Ry, in one of your many charming, beautiful, humorous, and thoughtful moments, could you give me a hall pass for Saturday - Wednesday? We're going househunting in Orlando. This will be my very first hall pass. I hope that the hall pass will be attractive and not too large, as I don't have much room in my suitcase. Thank you!


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Oh, it takes sooooooooooooooo long to learn the subtleties of this site. Of course I should have specified which FL hall pass I wanted. I'm a little afraid to put the hurricane pass in my suitcase. It could really create havoc. Well, live and learn.


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Are there houses left in Orlando? I do have a nice little Monopoly house on a chain you could get through the airplane baggage check. How about that one...don't want to jinx you with the hurricane. :roll: Hope you find a wonderful house cause we're all coming for a visit...

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Thank you, Ry. You are soooooooooooooooooooo thoughtful and kind. I do appreciate the little monopoly house and will consider it a good luck charm. As for your question, yes, there are still houses in Orlando - although we've been told that some of the screened pools have only the framework for the screens. Looking forward to having everyone visit. Please make reservations so that you don't all show up at the same time. The reservation fee will be $125. (Gotta make some money to pay for the house.)


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Make sure you post the new address Muriel, so I can send you the housewarming chicken, errr, ummm, I mean gift. :twisted:

Have fun in Orlando!!! I'm not sure if I'll come to visit but I will certainly send my son for the summer. 8)

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Hey Muriel:

We are going to be in Orlando come this December. Think you'll be settled in by then??? :wink: My Granddaughter said to me last week after the storms settled down in Florida, "Grandma do you think Mickey will still be at Disney when we get there?" I told her I didn't think he blew away! :shock: Have a GREAT time!

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TP in Florida is an expensive commodity (commode-ity?) Can't waste that on houses.

Muriel, hope you find the home of your dreams....Might want to look in the Alta Monte Springs area...they had very minor damage to that area from all of the recent Hurricanes, and are only minutes drive from Orlando.

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Thanks everyone for the warnings, good wishes, and Fay A's info about the area. Connie, it depends on when in Dec. you'll be there. We're hoping to move before the 15th. BTW, I'll be in St.Paul near the end of Oct. or early Nov and thought I'd go to one of your meetings. When, Where? Debi, we'd love the chickens. Please dress and freeze them before sending. No live chickens. All gifts must be delivered to our home.

Fay A. Alta Monte Springs is one of the areas we're considering. And, Ry, once again, thank you sooooooooooooo much for the hall pass. You're just too kind. Frank, may need the TP. It's a nuisance to get it out of trees, but it's free!


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Muriel, Fay's Altamonte Springs suggestion is a very good one - thats my neck of the woods (Seminole County). And Ry, please NO huricane shaped passes! You'll jinx us if you even say hurri-you-know-what and Florida in the same sentence :twisted: .

Connie, tell you grandaughter that I just drove by Mickey's ears and they are still on. No hurri**** is big or bad enough to hurt Mickey - he lives in a Magic Kingdom, you know :) .

Seriously, Muriel if you want the what-for on an area you are interested in, etc. PM me and I'll give you the insider info.

Have a great trip and welcome (in advance) to Florida.


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Hey Muriel we would LOVE to have you attend one of our Support Group meetings! That would be just wonderful! The next meeting is Oct 19th at 6:00 p.m. and the next day meeting is, Nov 2nd at 1 p.m. You can PM me if your going to be here at that time. I would love to work something out with you. If not at the meeting, maybe we could meet somewhere and have coffee or tea or whatever!! :wink:

As for when we will be in Orlando, it's the week of the 6th. Maybe you could let me know if Mickey is still hanging out at Disney and I can relay the news to my granddaughter!! :lol::lol::P

Lets work something out! I would love to!

Love & Hugs,


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Hey Gina,

Thanks for the update on Mickey, I'll be sure to pass that important information alone! TOO TOOOOO FUNNY!! Gotta tell you that my granddaughter was soooo serious when she said that. Thought I was going to wet my pants at the look on her face. She just looked at me with that look and said, "OH GRANDMA!" I'll be very sure to mention he lives in the "MAGIC KINGDOM" That part just slipped my mind!!! :roll:

Love & Hugs,


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted everyone to know that I have returned the little monopoly house to Ry. It brought us great luck. We looked at houses for 2 days and then made an offer on the first house we had seen. We're happy about it. It's in Oviedo, about 3 mi. from the University.

Debi, you can send live chickens. I'll feed them to the gators and maybe they'll not eat my dogs. I'm sure your son is delightful. I wouldn't advise sending him for the summer. (The alligators, you know.)

Connie, tell your granddaughter that Mickey is just fine and looking forward to seeing her.

Muriel K

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