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  1. My significant other calls me creature so I will use that here. Diagnosed 9.23.09, but cancer was there on x-ray 1 year earlier. They missed a 5cm tumor. Life as I knew it is OVER. Now seeking research on immunotherapy trials and other methods to keep LC from returning. Cocky, but lifesaving oncologist, took out my medi-port. I still don't feel relaxed and ever ache and pain, I think, Oh my God it's from the LC. I know I must stay informed about the latest research in LC. That's why I am here. The MEDICAL MACHINE can eat a person up and spit them out if you don't have proper medical knowledge and advocacy. I was lucky that my husband is a genius and like a rabid dog with a bone when it came to trying to save my life. Thank you my darling.
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