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Posts posted by dawnb72

  1. I really appreciate everyone's input on my posting last week, your opinions and stories have really helped to give me some hope.

    To update you on mom's test results.......her head ct was clear and her pet scan showed the one tumor that we already knew about and one small spot on a nodule (?) in the same lung. They have given her the diagnosis of limited stage 1 sclc.

    I am very thankful that she is at that stage if she had to be at any stage, but the doctors all seems so dismall. She finally got to see the Oncologist today and he told her that there was no cure but he could "buy her some time" . Is it just me or do you think that was rude and insensitive? Mom had just begun to have a little hope and was getting her spirits and sense of humor back and he shot her down in flames.

    She has an appt. at the Markey Cancer center this coming Thursday, but the oncologist scheduled chemo on that day. I dont know what were going to do.....I dont even want her to see him again.

    I do have another question.......If you write back to me, please let me know how much time there was between your diagnosis and your first chemo treatment. Moms will be 14 days.

    Thanks for listening.


  2. My name is Dawn and my mother was recently (Aug 18th) diagnosed with SCLC. I honest to God dont know what to do. I have researched it extensivley and I feel that I know enough about the disease but I cannot seem to find any answers out there about survival rates. Are there any miracles happening out there that I can tell her about.

    She has not had the bone scan yet or the head ct. From her previous ct scan the doctor did say that she only had one tumor and is is localized in the right lung. He also said that her surounding organs looked clear. Is that good news? Should I be worried about her brain?

    I have her set up to start the Multidisiplinary Lung Cancer Treatment Program at the Markey Cancer Center in Lexington, KY. She starts chemo next week.

    Have any of you heard of that program? If so I would love to hear feedback on it. I would take her to the edge of the earth if anyone knows anything better out there.

    I would appreciate it if someone could answer my questions. I need some good news.......I feel as if I am going to lose my mother and I am too young for that. I am 31 yrs old and she is 59. She is my rock, my best friend in the world. She is also a crusader for Christ. She is too young to die.

    I know that I have rattled on and on, but I have so much to say and it is so much easier to write than to say......somehow it seems less real.

    Thanks for listening,


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